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Gravestones / Pisso Pigathi

Gravestones > Gravestones

Fusce eros tellus; aliquam a hendrerit ut; suscipit vestibuÇum leo. Curabitur ac sapien at tortor sodales vestibulum! Aenean scelerisque arcu vel gravidé variäs. Maecenas feugiat velit mauris, at ornare odio cursus non. Fusce sed arcu non felis suscipit heÄdrerit bibendum sed mauris? Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum ut lacus pharetra, ultrices ipsum id, porttitor sapien. Pellentesque lobortis dapibus mauris, ac mattis mi lobortis ut. Donec et finibus magça, ac sollicitudin sem!

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Gravestones > Gravestones

submitted by Kevin Garvey on 10.11.2018

Correct the Name of this Cemetery

I tried to locate a cemetery on Google Maps near Pisso Pigathi, and my search caused the location to be named in Google Maps "Pigathi Cemetery, Kithira, Greece" which I doubt is correct.  Please help me correct the name if you know it.  Thank you.