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Life Stories / Kastrisianika

People > Life Stories

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People > Life Stories

submitted by Kytherian Newsletter Sydney on 14.04.2014

Peter Clary Castrission OAM

A rare breed of individual: altruistic in a world where self-interested
ambitions are often prized and admired. His determination to succeed
and his compassion for his fellow man are indeed exceptional traits

View / download a copy of this entry as a .pdf:

Clary Castrssion.pdf

In the Australia Day ...

People > Life Stories

submitted by Kytherian Biographies Project on 20.12.2011

Australia to New Zealand by Kayak

On November 13 2007 James Castrission, Justin Jones, and Lot 41 departed Forster, Australia. 62 days later they arrived in New Plymouth New Zealand.

They had kayaked 3318km, braved 10 metre swells, faced howling winds of over 50 knots, endured severe food and sleep deprivation, wasting muscles and adverse winds and currents to become the first kayak expedition across the tasman sea as well ...