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Notable Kytherians / Christoforianika

People > Notable Kytherians

It is not what we get. But who we become, what we contribute... that gives meaning to our lives.

Anthony Robbins (1968-)

This is where people of Kytherian decent who have contributed to their community in an extraordinary way will be featured. They need not be "famous" is the usual sense of the world, simply extraordinary.

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People > Notable Kytherians

submitted by Terry Chlentzos on 28.04.2006

Peter Clentzos

Word Champion
An Olympian's Record Stands: Hubba-Hubba!

By Peter Carlson
Washington Post Staff Writer

Sunday, August 22, 2004; Page D01

ATHENS -- With his big, thick right hand, Pete Clentzos slaps his belly. The hand bounces off.

"The belly's solid," he says
He's right. At 95, Clentzos still has an athlete's body. He's sitting on the roof of the Plaka ...