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The Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens. Bulletin

Vol 2. 2004.

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[Introductory] Letter from the Director

This is the second issue of the AAIA Bulletin and I hope that the readers will find that it is an improvement on the first.

Now that the Institute is closely linked with Mediterranean Archaeology, which has become its official journal, and whose contents are purely scholarly, it is planned to keep the Bulletin at a slightly lighter level so that it can be read and enjoyed not only by professional archaeologists and students but also by members of the larger enlightened public with an amateur interest in Classical Archaeology and the Classics in general.

In addition the Bulletin will continue to fulfil its function as a Newsletter, informing its readers about relevant cultural events in Greece and Australia and more particularly about the activities of the “Friends” societies.

As I am writing this letter the staff of the Institute are busy both in Sydney and in Athens organizing the Symposium to be held in the Greek capital this coming October in celebration of the 25th anniversary of our establishment.

The programme is now finalized and we are delighted that the Symposium will be launched in the prestigious lecture theatre of the Athens Archaeological Society in the presence of the Governor of New South Wales, Her Excellency Professor Marie Bashir, AC and the President of the Institute and Chancellor of the University of Sydney, the Hon. Justice Kim Santow, OAM.

I would like to welcome to Australia on behalf of the Council of the Institute the new Arthur and Renée George Professor of Classical Archaeology, Professor Margaret Miller. Professor Miller took up her duties at the University of Sydney only recently, but she has already made herself popular with both students and staff. She is an ex officio member of the Council and I have no doubt that during her tenure in Sydney the Institute and the Department of Classical Archaeology will be able to collaborate closely.

Before closing this letter I would also like to welcome Professor Miller’s husband, Professor Eric Csapo, whose appointment as the second Professor of Classics in the School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry, and his collaboration with Professor Peter Wilson are very promising for the promotion of ancient Hellenic Studies.

Finally I would like to welcome to Sydney Dr Alastair Blanshard who has also been appointed as a lecturer in Ancient Greek History in the School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry and whose research centres on Greek social life. These appointments are very encouraging for the future of Classics in Sydney and indeed in the whole of Australia.

It is well-known the Institute does not receive any government support. It depends on donations from private donors, the skilful management of its finances by the Chairman of the Executive Committee, Professor John Chalmers and Mr Peter Burrows as well as the good work of its staff in Sydney and in Athens.

The Institute’s Council and I personally are grateful to them for their dedication to the Institute’s work.

Alexander Cambitoglou

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