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Institute Of Kytheraismos


The new spirit of the Kytherian Diaspora



Hellenic Club,

15 -17 September 2006


Institute of Kytheraismos
81, Heroon Polytechniou,
GREECE 185 36

tel: 0030-210-4599414,
fax: 0030-210-4599415

Email Kytheraismos

Programme as a pdf:


George Vardas's Report of the Conference

Dr Nicholas J Comino's Report of the Conference. The Brisbane Perspective


1. Cultural Display is going to include photo exhibition from Chris Lourandos plus material or displays available from the Hellenic Club and the Greek Embassy.

2. A display of Greek Dancing in traditional costume will perform either during the cultural display or at the Official Dinner on Saturday evening.

3. The Morning Tea on Friday is going to extend to approximately 40 minutes as per the Prime Ministers wish to mingle with the people.

4. The Prime Minister is available for about 1 hour – we will try & stretch that to about 1 ½ hours.

5. The Reception at the Embassy will be limited to Organisers and registered Symposium Delegates only.

6. The Official Dinner can be held in the Olympus Room with a DJ for music.

The new spirit of the Kytherian Diaspora

Symposium Organisers

1. Institute of Kytheraismos

Local Committee of Canberra
Local Committee of Sydney
Local Committee of Brisbane

2. Kytherian Association of Australia

3. Kytherian Association of Canberra

4. Kytherian Association of Brisbane

Organising Committee:

Elias Marsellos - Chairman
Chris Lourantos -Patron
Helen Tzortzopoulos - General Secretary
Members: Manuel Aroney (Sydney)
Peter Samios (Brisbane)
Nick Comino (Brsbane)
Victor Kepreotis (Sydney)

Academic Committee:

Prof. Manuel Aroney - Chairman
Prof. George Kasimatis
Prof. George Leontsinis
Prof. Basil Leftheris
Prof. Nick Petrochilos
Prof. Minas Coroneo


Spiros Coolentianos (Sydney)
John Cominos (Sydney)
Vassiliki Chryssanthopoulou (Canberra)
Vikki Londy (Brisbane)
George Argyropoulos (Athens-Piraeus)
Nick Glytsos (Athens-Piraeus)
Emmanuel Kasimatis (Kythera)


Panagiota Vassi,
Mpampis Maroulakis,
Kathy Synodinos (translation)


11.00am Official Party arrives

1. The Prime Minister John Howard.
2. His Excellency the Ambassador of Greece.
3. Overseas Dignitaries.

11.05am Welcome Speech by Chairman Elias Marsellos.

11.10am Welcome Speech by Prime Minister / P.M. Officially opens Symposium.

11.15am Welcome Speech by Ambassador of Greece.

11.20am Morning Tea / mingling with Prime Minister.

12.25pm 1st Plenary Session

Chairs: Elias Marsellos, Chris Lourandos, Manuel Aroney

12.30pm Elias Marsellos: “The new spirit of the Kytherian Diaspora”

12.45pm Chris Nicholas Lourantos: “Birth of Hellenic Club Canberra”

1.00pm Paul Mathers: “The early years”

1.15pm George Kasimatis: “Mobility of the youth in the world”

1.30pm LUNCH.

2.25pm 2nd Plenary Session

Chairs: Victor Kepreotis, George Leontsinis

2.30pm George Kanarakis: “Kytherian literature”

2.45pm Archie Kalokerinos: “Kytherian identity”

3.00pm Peter Prineas: “Katsehamos and the Great Idea”

3.15pm Afternoon Tea.

3.55pm 3rd Plenary Session

Chairs: Alex Poulos, Basil Leftheris

4.00pm George Leontsinis: “Establishment, structures and function of the Kytherian foundations, associations and brotherhoods in Greece and in the Kytherian Communities abroad”

Establishment, structures and function of the Kytherian foundations, associations and brotherhoods in Greece and in the Kytherian Communities abroad. [English]

Κυθηραϊκοί σύλλογοι και ιδρύματα στην Ελλάδα και στο διεθνή χώρο. [Greek]

4.15pm Nikos Petrochilos: “The Kytherian Studies Association and its efforts”

Statement of solidarity between the Society of Kytherian Studies, and the Kytheraismos Institute

4.30pm Manuel Aroney: “Kytherian-Australian Inter-relationship”

4.45pm Maria Hill: “Greek-Australia connection in WW2”

5.00pm General Discussion.

5.15pm Announcements.

6.30pm Reception at Greek Embassy.

8.00pm DINNER (Own arrangements – Hellenic Club Restaurant by booking).


10.00am Outline of days Programme & announcements.

10.10am 4th Plenary Session

Chairs: John Cominos, Nick Petrochilos, Helen Tzortzopoulos

10.15pm Vassiliki Chryssanthopoulou: “Gender, migration and identity: Focus on Kytherian women”

10.30pm Nicholas Glytsos: “Women staying behind in Kythera as a major drive for men’s emigration to Australia. Changing roles within the split migration household”

Women staying behind in Kythera as a major drive for men’s emigration to Australia. [English]

Δημογραφικές Εξελίξεις, Εκπαίδευση και Οικονομικές Συνθήκες των Ελλήνων της Αυστραλίας [Greek]

10.45pm George Vardas: “Australia Aphrodite: The role of women in the Kytherian Brotherhood”

An overview of the 2nd International Kytheraismos Conference

11.00pm George Argyropoulos: “50 years of the Triffileio Foundation experience”

50 years of the Triffileio Foundation experience

11.15am Morning Tea.

11.40am 5th Plenary Session

Chairs: Emanuel Cominos, George Argyropoulos

11.45pm Emmanuel Kasimatis: “Investment in Kythera”

12.00pm Nick Cominos: “Kytheraismos: The Brisbane perspective”

Kytheraismos: The Brisbane perspective

12.15pm Vikki Vrettos Fraioli-Terry Chlentzos Keramaris: “Kytherians of California: Making Connections with our Past, Present and Future”
Click here to view the Powerpoint

12.30pm Peter McCarthy: “The Kytherians in Inverell. Kythera to cafes Australia 1890-1940”

Kytherians of Inverell NSW Australia

12.45pm LUNCH.

2.10pm 6th Plenary Session

Chairs: Nick Cominos, Nick Glytsos

2.15pm Ruby M Brown Feros: “Her father: George Feros of Byron Bay.”

The endeavours of my father, George Feros

2.30pm Robyn Florance: ”A touch of Greece in Junction street. The Greek cafe owners of Nowra”

2.45pm Basil Leftheris: “Our progenitors’ evolutionary ways for survival identify all Kytherians of today, wherever they are”

3.00pm John Cominos: “Could a Kytherian Australian be a European citizen?”

3.15pm Afternoon Tea.

3.40pm 7th Plenary Session

Chairs: George Vardas, George Kanarakis, George Poulos

3.45pm Mary Londy: “The Kytherian Youth of Brisbane”

The Kytherian Youth of Brisbane

4.00pm Sophia & Patricia Cassimatis: “Greek language experience of Australian born Kytherians”

4.15pm Garifalia Castrisios: “Tasmania to Kythera”

4.30pm John Mavromatis: “Kytherian immigrants in California in the 19th and 20th centuries”

4.45pm Alex Poulos: “Thoughts about Kytherian Youth of Australia”

5.00pm Penelope Samios: “Learning Greek and training for the Kytherian Youth of Australia”

5.15pm General Discussion.

5.45pm Announcements.

7.30pm OFFICIAL DINNER at Hellenic Club, Olympus Room.


10.00am Outline of days programme & announcements.

10.10am 8th Plenary Session

Chairs: Robyn Florance, Vassiliki Chryssanthopoulou

10.15pm Angelos Notaras: Investing in Kytherian Heritage. Gilchrist, www.kythera-family.net, Kytherian Surnames, the “Fatseas collection and Benaki Exhibition”.

10.45am George Poulos: “The need for a unified and integrated Kytherian world Cultural & Heritage council”

11.00pm Peter Vanges: “The first Kytherian in Australia”

The first Kytherian in Australia

11.15pm Emanuel Cominos: “Kythera and the Parthenon marbles”

11.30am Morning Tea.

12.10am 9th Plenary Session

Chairs: Elias Marsellos, Chris Lourandos, Manuel Aroney

12.15pm Victor Kepreotis: “Kytherians of Kythera and Australia (inter-relationship)”

12.30pm Mary Matis: “American Connection”

12.40pm Peter Samios: “Kytherian Village Humour”

12.50pm Poppy Stellios: “Birth of an Orthodox Church in Dubbo a country town”

1.00pm Paul Hellander: “Kythira under the spotlight”

1.15pm Eva-Marie Prineas: “Kytherian Architecture”

1.30pm John Carras: “Retirement village”

1.45pm Outcomes of Symposium.

2.00pm Awards presented by Professor Elias Marsellos.


An Overview of the Conference, as reported by George Vardas.

An overview of the 2nd International Kytheraismos Conference

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