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Kytherian Newsletter Sydney

8th International Panionian Conference. An Australian Perspective.

The Society of Kytherian Studies is organising the 8th International Panionian Conference to be held in Kythera from 21-31 May 2006.

This prestigious conference is being held for the very first time on Kythera and will bring to the island more than 200 academics, writers and speakers who will cover many of the following areas of interest to Kythera and the Ionian Islands:

1. Archaeology: archaeological research, protection &
restoration of monuments, industrial archaeology, society & archaeology.
2. Architecture - Urban Planning: architectural identity of the Ionian Islands, representation & interpretation of landscape, urban development, construction techniques & building
3. History: historical sources, public & local archives, historiography, local history.
4. Institutions - Constitution - Public Administration:
established churches, religious denominations, education, law & jurisprudence, state & citizens, individuals & society.
5. Folklore-Social Anthropology: Folklore & anthropological research, popular religion, common law.
6. Society and Economy: family, class system, class struggle, demographic data, land property, land cultivation & transport of goods, production & processing, shipping, other economic activities, statistical research.
7. Culture and Civilisation: history of ideas, ideological trends, philosophy, natural theology, fine arts, literature, theatre, film & television.
8. Natural and Human Environment-Ecology: sound & reasonable management of environment & natural resources.

The Ionian Islands have always occupied a special place in modem Greek history and in many respects stand apart from mainland Greece in light of the strong Venetian and British influences on the island when the rest of Greece was under Ottoman occupation. Many of our Kytherian traits and customs can be directly traced back to that heritage.

This most important conference will focus on the latest academic studies and research and will add to the growing body of knowledge on the rich tapestry of the social and political history, culture, archaeology, folklore and the built and natural environments of the Ionian Islands in general and Kythera in particular. It is deserving of our support.

It is hoped that there will be observers and/or participants from the Australian Kytherian community who can attend this epoch-making conference.

George Vardas

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