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Society of Kytherian Studies

Australian visit. By, President, Nikos Petrochilos.

On October 17th, 2005, Prof. Nikos Petrochilos, former President of the Association of Kytherian Professors and of the National Theatre of Greece, as well as active President of the Society of Kytherian Studies, will visit the main cities of Australia. Dr. Petrochilos will speak to Kytherian audiences about the accomplishments of the Society of Kytherian Studies and will give several lectures in Australian Universities. He will remain in Australia until November 3rd, 2005.

Στις 17 Οκτωβρίου 2005 θα επισκεφθεί τις μεγάλες πόλεις της Αυστραλίας ο Καθηγητής του Παν/μίου Θεσ/νίκης, τέως Πρόεδρος του Ομίλου Κυθηρίων Πανεπιστημιακών και του Εθνικού Θεάτρου της Ελλάδος, καθώς και σημερινός Πρόεδρος της Εταιρείας Κυθηραϊκών Μελετών κ. Νίκος Πετρόχειλος. Ο κ. Πετρόχειλος θα μιλήσει σε Κυθηραϊκές συγκεντρώσεις για το έργο της Εταιρείας Κυθηραϊκών Μελετών και θα δώσει διαλέξεις σε Πανεπιστήμια της χώρας. Θα παραμείνει στην Αυστραλία μέχρι τις 3 Νοεμβρίου 2005.

More details about how Kytherians in Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane and Melbourne can become more involved in the Petrochilos visit

Nikos Petrochilos, Biography and Achievements

Society of Kytherian Studies, History and Achievements

Monday 17th October - Thursday 3rd November


Programme Outline:

Week One:

Mon 17th October - Leaves Greece

Tues 18th Oct - Arrives Sydney.

Weds 19th Oct - Morning: Sydney University visit, to the Nicholson Museum, the Map Centre, Freinds of AAIA, and faculties of Modern and Classical Greek.
Evening: Macquarie University - visit to Classics Department + other activities at University to be advised. 7:30 Lecture to the Classics Department. Museum of Ancient Cultures, Seminar room, X5B 3rd floor. web:www.mq.edu.au

Thursday 20th Oct - Drive to the capital of Australia - Canberra. Day planned at the National University - Classics Department, by John Kalokerinos.
5:30 cocktail party, with 6:30 Lecture at the Hellenic Club, Canberra. (A mix of Kytherian themes + Classics). Matilda Street, Woden. 2606.
Stay in Canberra overnight.

Friday, 21st Oct - Luncheon at the board room of Mr Con Gavrilis's Company - Astor Base Metal. This will be attended by 12 prominent Kytherians - including Professor Aroney - who are vitally interested in the preservation of Kytherian Heritage, and the Kytherian "ethos".

Evening. Tea with former President, Kytherian Association of Australia, George Vardas. Visit to the Rocks and Circular Quay.

Saturday 22nd Oct -

Morning. 10:00am-11:00am. SBS Radio. Visit, and interview at the Headquarters of SBS Radio, 14 Herbert Street, Artarmon.

Afternoon lecture to Kytherians at the Hellenic Club, Sydney. 3rd Floor, 251-253 Elizabeth St, Sydney. 3:00 pm.

Sunday, 23rd Oct - Visit to -
St George Greek Orthodox Monastery 316 Singles Ridge Rd Yellow Rock 2527 (02) 4754 1382 The Sunday Service is from 8:00am-11:00am, but Nikos will be arriving at 10:00am. Tour of the extensive Monastery grounds. 3:00 - Drive to Katoomba (40 minutes) to visit "famous" Paragon Cafe, and to tour the business district of Katoomba, with many "Kytherian" landmarks.

Week Two

Monday 24th Oct - Fly to Melbourne.

Monday 24th Oct - Saturday evening - Saturday 29th Oct - itinerary to be arranged by Professor Tamis.
Steve Stavrou - Event Co-ordinator, and Professor Tamis will advise Melbourne itinerary.

*Thursday October 27th - Classical Association's (Sydney University) Annual Dinner. St. Johns College. Sydney Univ. 6:30 pm. Prof Petrochilos will fly up from Melbourne to attend this function, and fly back to Melbourne on Friday morning.

Sunday 30th Oct - morning. Fly to Brisbane. To be met by Peter Vambakaris.
Sunday 30th Oct - Address Kytherian Association of Queensland at the Greek Club, 29 Edmondstone Street, South Brisbane. 11:30 Start.

Week Three:

Monday, 31st Oct - Remain in Brisbane. KAA members may arrange tour, or other activity.
Evening - Return to Sydney by air.

Tuesday, 1st Nov - Attend the Melbourne Cup Luncheon, Hilton Hotel, Sydney, Womens Auxiliary. KAA. State Room, Level 2, 488 George Street, Sydney. 11:30 am. Limited number of seats available. $85. Contact George C Poulos here. 02 93888320.

Wednesday, 2nd Nov - NSW Parliament House, luncheon. Macquarie Street Sydney. Limited number of places available. $60. 12:00 Noon. Contact George C Poulos here
02 93888320

Thursday, 3rd Nov - return to Hellas.

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