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Society of Kytherian Studies

How Kytherians in Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane and Melbourne can become involved

in the Petrochilos visit to Australia, Tuesday 18th October 2005 - Thursday 3rd November, 2005.

Tour Itinerary

Nikos Petrochilos, Biography and Achievements

Society of Kytherian Studies, History and Achievements

Days of Interaction and Inclusion

Professor Nikos Petrochilos, President of the Society of Kytherian Studies, and former President of the Association of Kytherian University Professors, and the National Theatre of Greece, will be in Australia from Monday 17th October, until Thursday 3rd November.

Monday 17th Oct - Weds 19th Oct - Sydney.
Thursday 20th Oct - Canberra

Friday 21st Oct - Sunday 23rd October - Sydney

Monday 24th October - Saturday, 29th October - Melbourne.

Sunday 30th October-Monday 31st October - Brisbane.

Tuesday 1st November - Thursday, 3rd November - Sydney.

Nikos can be contacted at any time on his email - nipet@hol.gr.

In Sydney, he can additionally be contacted on, transoz@bigpond.net.au, or telephone: 02 93888320.

In Canberra, on email, kalos@tpg.com.au, John Kalokerinos, or mobile: 0421 053 132

In Melbourne, on emails: A.Tamis@latrobe.edu.au, or, S.Petrou@latrobe.edu.au, or, 03 94796422.

In Brisbane, on emails, petervam@bigpond.net.au, or, kythera9@bigpond.net.au, or, 0419 02 21 21.

Whilst in Australia, Professor Petrochilos is very motivated to meet as many Kytherian Australians, as possible.

The Main Lecture in Sydney, about the Society of Kytherian Studies, and the positive impact its work and achievements have had on the island of Kythera, and the preservation of its heritage, will be held on Saturday, 22nd October, at the Hellenic Club, 3rd Floor, 251-253 Elizabeth St, Sydney, at 3:00 pm. Ph: (02) 9261 4910251

The Main Lecture in Canberra will be held on Thursday, 20th October, at the Hellenic Club, Matilda Street, Woden, at 6:30 pm. Ph: 02 6281 0899. Fax: 02 6282 4487. Web - http://www.hellenicclub.com.au/

The Main Lecture in Brisbane will be held at the Greek Club & Convention Centre, 29 Edmondstone Street, South Brisbane. 4101; (07) 3844 1166; Fax: (07) 3844 9032; Web: www.thegreekclub.com.au, at the Annual General Meeting of the Kytherian Association of Queensland Inc. Sunday 30th October.

A lecture with a Kytherian theme will also be conducted in Melbourne, during the week beginning Monday 24th, October.

Various events during his visit have been designed to be as interactive and inclusive as possible. As many Kytherians as can make themselves available, are encouraged to attend a number of events - in which they can actively participate.

These include:

Wednesday 19th October

10:00am visit to Nicholson Museum, (The Ancient World), Sydney University. The Nicholson Museum is located at the southern entrance of The Quadrangle, on the Camperdown campus. Tel: (02) 9351 2812 Web: www.usyd.edu.au/nicholson/ The website contains a site map.

10:45. Visit to the Spatial Science Innovation Unit (Map Centre), 431-443, Masden bF09, Eastern Avenue. Phone: 93517667. Web: www.ssiu.org.usyd.edu.au

11: 30. Visit to The Australian Archeological Institute of Athens, Sydney University. 125 Darlington Road. Web: http://www.aaia.chass.usyd.edu.au/
Everyone is invited to join at any stage of these visits.

4:00 pm. Arrive at Macquarie University.
Visit to Faculties of Modern Greek and Classical Greek. Dr Ian Plant and Professor Alanna Nobbs will conduct tour of the Museum of Ancient Cultures, focusing on the valuable collection of Greek Papurii, as well as the numismatic
collection. At 6.00 meet with Professor Elizabeth Kefallinos. Plan to visit the National Research Project and Archives Department of Modern History, to see, In Their Own Image: Greek Australians, "curated" by Effy Alexakis, and Leonard Janiszeski, Ph: 02 9850 6886. Web: www.austhistmuseum.mq.edu.au/greek/

7:30 pm. Museum of Ancient Cultures, Seminar room, X5B 3rd floor. Lecture: "The Romans, the Greeks and the Sea".

Thursday 20th October

5:30-6:30. Meeting Kytherians for Cocktails, Hellenic Club, Canberra. 02 6281 0899. Fax: 02 6282 4487. Meet and greet Kytherians on an informal basis - with cocktails provided.

6:30 pm. Kytherian Lecture / 7:30: - Questions and answers from the audience re: Kytherian Lecture.

8:00pm - Classics lecture / Responses to Classics lecture.

Sunday, 23rd October

Visit to - St George Greek Orthodox Monastery, 316 Singles Ridge Rd Yellow Rock 2527 (02) 4754 1382 The Sunday Service is from 8:00am-11:00am, but Nikos will be arriving at 10:00am. Dress code is strictly - Male - no shorts. Female - no trousers. Top: well covered. After the service, tour of the Monastery grounds, including visit to the "famous" Candle Factory.

3:00 - Drive to Katoomba to visit "famous" Paragon Cafe, formerly owned by the Simos family. (For coffee and cake). [Drive is a "leisurely" 40 minutes]. Walk around Katoomba central business districts to view other "Kytherian" business landmarks.

[Kytherians living in Western and South Western Sydney, and in the Blue Mountains, in particular, are encouraged to attend these events].

Thursday, Oct 27th October

Nikos will attend the Classical Association (Sydney University) Annual Dinner.

Sunday 30th October

Luncheon will be held following the Kytherian Association of Queensland Annual General Meeting.

Tuesday 1st November

Attending KAA, Womens Auxiliary, Melbourne Cup Luncheon At the new Hilton Hotel, Sydney, State Room, Level 2 488 George St, Sydney. 2000. (02) 9266 2000
Web - www.hiltonsydney.com.au

(A limited number of places exist on the "Petrochilos" table for males brave enough to be in a confined space with hundreds of Kytherian women. Call George Poulos on 02 93888320, or email: g.poulos@kythera-family.net).

Wednesday, 2nd November

NSW Parliamentary Luncheon. Private Dining Room,
Parliament House,
Macquarie Street, Sydney. Hosted by Kytherian Parliamentarian, George Souris, and fellow-Kytherian, and former Parliamentarian, Jim Samios.
12:00 Noon.

A limited number of seats are available to attend this function. Cost is $60. 3 Course meal. Alcohol provided.

To reserve a place in the Private Dining Room, call George Poulos on 02 93888320, or email: g.poulos@kythera-family.net.

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