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Society of Kytherian Studies

Preservation and restoration of monuments

The Society actively supports the preservation and restoration of monuments on the islands. Specifically, the Society has funded the following activities:

a) Kastraki Avlemonas:
In cooperation with the local Cultural Society ‘Filoxenos’, founded by Panos Fyllis, began the restoration efforts at ‘Kastraki’ in Avlemonas, with the financial support of the Association and adhering to the instructions laid down by the relevant archaeological department.

The area was cleaned, the heavy wooden castle door was constructed, porous stones were gathered and work began to repair the outside part of the walls. The project was also aided by a volunteer group of French students. The financial cost was undertaken by the Association.

b) Paliohora
The Association supported efforts by authorities to preserve and promote the historic Byzantine monument of Paliohora. The effort was, however, made to no avail mainly because of financial reasons. The Association was successful, nonetheless, in its intervention to stop the sewage waste of Potamos ending up in the Palaiohora gorge, a place of unique natural beauty.

c) Restoration of the Manitohori well
The preservation and restoration of the ‘Manitohori well’ - built during British rule - was accomplished by the Association together with the Kythera Community and the financial aid of the Bank of Greece along with a study (a donation) by the engineer Vassilis Douridas.

d) Potamos Bridge
The first voice raised in protest to relevant authorities over the abandonment of this remarkable monument came from the Association in 1987. Under its auspices, the initial draft for its restoration was made. In addition, the Association undertook the costs to repair damages caused by passing cars. Finally, three years ago, credit was approved for its restoration.

e) Restoration of the Agios Nikitas chapel
The 1st Department of Byzantine and Post Byzantine Antiquities showed an interest in the restoration of the small church of Agios Nikitas, at Koufarika (Potamos), declared a protected monument and adorned by remarkable wall murals. A shelter was set up to protect the monument but, for a lack of necessary funds, further work to preserve and restore it did not proceed further and, as a result, the roof collapsed.

The danger of the chapel’s complete collapse prompted the intervention of the Association which asked to undertake the restoration project. Its request was approved on the condition that the Association undertook the cost. After this, Association efforts saw to it that the chapel was plotted, and a restoration study - approved by authorities - was hammered out by the engineers, Andreas Lourandos and Domna Kontaratou, who offered their services free of charge. Furthermore wall murals were preserved while work to restore the church has already begun.

The Association’s efforts have been financially supported, so far, by the Commercial Bank of Greece, the Trifyllio Foundation, the N Aronis Trust Fund and others.

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