Statement of solidarity between the Society of Kytherian Studies, and the Kytheraismos Institute.
Addressing the audience at the Conference
In an era stigmatized by aloofness and indifference, lacking in visionary initiative and passion, deficient in inspirational and intellectual activities, without hope and expectation for a brighter and more promising future, visionaries such as Elias Marselos, follow a steady course lead by an immutable faith in their dream. Such people who do not just follow their visions blindly and hopelessly, but pursue them where the future of the Kytheraismos seems to offer them viable promises, are rare, almost non-existent.
In a previous Conference which took place on the island of Kythera, Elias Marselos introduced the subject on “Interactive, economic, social and cultural consequences on the emigrating Kytherian population from their land of origin, to the countries of their destination, followed by their reintegration in the Greek society”. There he presented us with a prelude of what was to follow at the first International Conference on Kytheraismos, which also took place on Kythera. The visionary process, which as he spoke inspired both him and the audience (even the ones overridden by disbelief), became the most viable guarantee for the success of the effort which he had undertaken; a strife for union amongst the omni-Kytherians, along national, economic, social and cultural lines, who have proved such as most Greeks have, that when unity prevails they are capable of outstanding results, but when discontent descends upon them, they thwart and perish.
The Society of Kytherian Studies, which I represent as President, will not limit itself to simply addressing, and passively attending the Conference, and the outstanding effort that the economist, Head of the Department of European and International Studies at the University of Athens, Vice president of the Trifillian Foundation and publisher of the famous newspaper Kytheraismos, Elias Marselos, has undertaken. But instead, the Society commits itself to supporting with its entire means all his efforts so that his magnificent, visionary, but at the same time realistic task, can be fulfilled. The direct benefits stemming from the fulfillment of this project will be the approach of the thriving, bold but at the same time alienated and therefore marginally efficient, world Kytherian population.
Dear Elias, we wish you every success in your undertakings concerning this Conference, which myself as President of the Society, but also as an individual, find it a pleasant obligation to attend and therefore will actively participate in the accomplishment and realization of its objectives.
Thank you all.
Prof. Nikos Petrochilos, President of the Society of Kytherian Studies
September 2006