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Peter Vamvakaris

Australia's World Cup Soccer anthem?

Here is, I HOPE the song that Australian Soccer will use for the World Cup
Promo Song. My son Andrew (Keg) is the singer and his mate John Stock(Stocky) wrote the words. They both have a web page called

These two blokes with my our youngest son Jason (J.Diddy) have been working over in England and following the Australian
Socceroos around the world to their games.

Check out their web page and see
their latest efforts in Bahrain and read the story under Stockys section of the Bahrain Game.

If this song gets up, Australia will win the World Cup. Radio 4BC was the first to plug it in Australia this week and the radio station had so many people requesting the song that they put it on their web page under the Breakfast Program.

They also have been appointed the Official 4BC Sports Reporters on the World Cup in Germany this year. The 3 boys will be attending the games in Germany.

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