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Panayotis Leftheris

Catelouso - Lyrae Cantus:

Catelouso - Lyrae Cantus: "Sinaxis" CD

On an August evening of 2004, the day before the beginning of the Athens Olympics, the medieval music ensemble LYRAE CANTUS, consisting of 10 performers on old instruments (violas da gamba, blockflutes, renaissance lutes etc.) gave one of the most successful concerts ever held on the island of Kythera.The Kytherian composer Panayotis Leftheris - “Catelouso” - had written a unique piece of music to be performed in the surrounds of the old church of Madonna Konteletou in Livadi. In this music he paid tribute to his ancestors, all those men and women who had worked, suffered and died on the island.“And with the rhythm of the song will come, out of the depths of time, slowly, one by one, dim sad shadows of people who once lived close to you, and now bend to sleep sweetly in your arms?”“Catleouso” gave the name “Sinaxis” to his composition, a word which can be translated as “the gathering”. It is a compilation of music and songs that is now available on CD from “SIRIUS”, the prestigious record label which was created in 1985 by the great and ever-popular Greek composer, Manos Hatjidakis. The recording has been produced by KYTHERIOS MUSIC, which is the label that composer “Catelouso” created to promote innovative music. One of the unique characteristics of “SINAXIS” is its remarkably broad appeal. It will delight enthusiasts of medieval renaissance music as much as it will those whose who take pleasure in Greek traditional music or more generally in World- ethnic music. In fact,“Sinaxis” probably does not belong to any of these categories. It is a mould-breaking work. Two of the songs are performed by Nikos Katrijidakis, who seems to be able to span centuries with his remarkable vocal technique.The verses are taken from works by Kytherian poets, Panos Fillis, Sophocles Kaloutsis, Yannis Perris and George Leftheris. “Sinaxis” was presented to great acclaim for a second time in concert in May 2006 as the main musical event of the 8th International Pan-Ionian conference at the Zeidoros Centre in Kapsali.

See more information at www.kytheriosmusic.com

19. Easter Letter

Words by the Kytherian poet, the late Panos Fyllis
solo singer: Panagiotis Priftis,tenor.

I am coming with the swallows of spring, so wait for me at the coast and shake the white cloth at me. Ask the flowers of March to whiten our walls, ask the red poppies to give their blood colour to the earth. And if the gorse bushes haven’t blossomed yet, no one should complain and hurt their feelings. And because here in this foreign land we have nothing worth eating, I am thinking of coming to you this Easter. So boil a full armful of wild greens to eat them with bread, oil and homemade cheese.

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