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Kytherian Brotherhood Of Detroit

Kytherian Brotherhood Of Detroit, Michigan, USA.

Editor: The Brotherhood ceased to exist in the 1950's.
This entry is placed here in the hope that it might inspire Kytherians in the Detroit area, and in the State if Michigan, to re-instate it.
Kallo rizziko!

Kytherian Brotherhood Of Detroit, Michigan, USA. - Detroit Kytherian Brotherhood

Kytherian Brotherhood Detroit, Michigan, 1920.

Top row: 3rd from left Nick Cominos, 2nd from right Paul Galacatos, far right Theodore Georgopoulos (Tzortzopoulos).

Bottom row: 2nd from left Emmanuel Georgopoulos (Tzortzopoulos), 2nd from right Nick Galacatos, far right, Nick Gavriles. Five others, unknown(?)

Photo, Jim Gavriles

Kytherian Brotherhood Of Detroit, Michigan, USA. - Michigan Map in USA

Kytherian Brotherhood Of Detroit, Michigan, USA. - Michigan Map

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