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George Poulos

Kytherian Hospital Appeal Committee

We are fortunate indeed to have a Hospital in Potamos that serves not only the local residents but also visitors from abroad. It is consoling for Kytherians and visitors to know that urgent medical support is available when needed.

The Hospital however is desperately short of equipment and a committee of volunteers has been formed to rectify the situation and raise the money needed. All funds raised will go directly to the manufacturers that supply the equipment.

The committee consists of:

Peter & Chrissa Vlandis
Dr Mitchell & Bente Notaras
Theo & Rene Feros
, and
John & Tina Kass.

Funds have already been raised to purchase a Biochemical and Blood Analyser for the hospital. It has now been recognised that the Hospital is in desperate need of an ULTRASOUND as the present machine is hopelessly outdated.

Kythera has become a very popular holiday destination with visitors from Australia and elsewhere, mostly of Kytherian descent. Many are restoring family homes. Unfortunately we are an aging population, residents included. Please keep in mind the person you may be helping or even saving could be yourself, a family member or a relative.

It is hoped we can purchase further equipment to improve the standard of care and treatment at the hospital. Any donations will be used for this most worthwhile cause. For information on how to donate please email

[email protected]

A receipt will be issued upon request. No equipment will be ordered or paid for without committee approval.

We firmly believe this appeal for the Hospital is most worthwhile and hope that all Kytherians will give it their consideration and support.

Thanking you on behalf of the committee,

Theo Feros and Peter Vlandis

Kytherian Hospital Appeal Committee

Update. July, 2004.

From The KYTHERIAN, (Newsletter of the Kytherian Association of Australia), Oct, 2004, page 2.

Chrissa Vlandis

During my holiday in Kythera in July, I, and other members of the Kytherian Hospital Appeal Committee, visited the Hospital in Potamos. We were welcomed by Mr Stais, who is the Adminstrator of the Hospital. He showed us around the hospital and also showed us the Biochemical and Blood Analyser that had been purchased by our Committee through the generosity of our kind donors.

The Biochemical and Blood Analyser is being used every day and a full time Pathologist is now in Kythera. Patients are able to have tests done in Kythera with the results available to them much earlier than before. We were most impressed. A few Australians visiting the island had cause to use the machine and remaked how simple it has made medical procedure. Mr Stais said that the hospital is undergoing changes. This will be a slow process, but I feel in time a lot of improvements will be made.

The next piece of equipment that the hospital needs is a machine to detect cancers. Cancer of the thyroid is becoming more common in Greece, and Europe.

A new machine will be made avaialble later in the year. This machine will prove to be very useful. Most patients on the island have to fly to Athens for simple tests, and this is a difficult thing to do, particularly for older Kytherians. Obtaining a machine for this purpose, may become the next goal of the committee.

On the same day that we visited the hospital, we went to the Old Peoples Home in Potamos. We were impressed how clean the wards were, and how pleasant the staff were. The hospital was installing new fire sprinklers. We spoke to a number of the people living there, and they were all very happy with the facility. We were welcomed by the President of the home, Mr Samios. Others present were Dr Argyropoulos, and Dr Spiro Tzannis, who both work with the aged. They made us most welcome.

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