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George Poulos

Kytherian Social Golf Club

Under the auspices of the Kytherian Association of Australia.

In 1992, after a small group of friends lamented how little they saw each other except for weddings and funerals and tossed around a couple of ideas about how to get together on a more regular basis; the Kytherian Social Golf Club was formed as a result.

The group has met once a month, ever since, to play a game of golf at various golf courses. The club has now been in existence for 12 years, and is as strong as the day it originated.

To grow, the club has relied on an influx of new members. What the originators could not anticipate was the fact that their children would become an integral part of the club.

To have fathers and sons sharing a common interest - other than working in dad's business (and we all know what that was like) is something very special. Instead of fathers telling their sons to clean up their room, take out the garbage or, "no, you cannot take the car", we hear - "..use a 6 iron, not an 8"; "..who do you think you are, Tiger Woods?"; "..great shot, pity the green is on the left!"

Today we boast 44 fee-paying members, and we have a healthy guest list when a member cannot attend. There is always room for more, so if anyone would like to become a member, just contact the committee and arrangements can be made. With the format being to play only once a month on a different golf course, variety is not a problem, and this puts little pressure on families.

A competition is held held throughout the year, and is contested vigorously by all members, as previous winners will attest. Just ask Charles Christian, our current Club Champion, who wears his title as a badge of honour.

Prizes to award monthly winners have been very generously donated by Micheal Samios and Peter Kallinicos.

Kytherian Social Golf Club Committee:

John Psaltis, President.

Theodore Simos, Vice-President

George P. Poulos, Treasurer

Scott Andrews

Steve Kepreotes

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