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USA, Baltimore

Kytherian Society of Baltimore

108 Alview Terrace
Glen Burnie MD 21060
President: Mrs. Diana Homberg

Contact the Kytherian Society of Baltimore, here

To view the same banner, photographed obliquely.

The Kytherian Society of Baltimore, Maryland was founded in 1930 with Dimitrios Tzortzopoulos (James George) serving as its first president.

In 2001 it had 150 members.

Their archives are kept at the library of the Assumption Cathedral in Baltimore. The library was founded and supervised for many years by Theodore Tzortzopoulos, a retired schoolteacher from the village of Karavas.

Panagiotis Tzortzopoulos paid for carrying out the water project in the village of Karavas.

Ioanna Souris (Joanne Dietz) served as president of the society for ten years.

This group donated the Bishop's throne in the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Assumption in Baltimore, and they also contributed to the Greek mausoleum. Each year they celebrate the Myrtidiotisa with an artoclasia on September 24.

- Dr John Mavromatis

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Brief and Informal History of the Association

The Kytherian Brotherhood of Baltimore, Maryland, is a small organization. We do not have regular meetings. The officers meet when there is an activity to be planned. We have tried to have general meetings, but our membership is so scattered that we get very low attendance.

Annually we celebrate the Feast Day of the Panagia Myrtithiotisa. After church services, we have a luncheon that attracts Kytherians from Maryland and the surrounding states - Pennsylvania, Delaware and ia. We generally have around 100 - 125 people attend our annual celebration. Recently, we have also been sponsoring an annual coffee hour after church.

Years ago, I was elected President of the Kytherian Brotherhood of Baltimore, Maryland. My uncle, George Thomas George (Tzortzopoulos), was voted treasurer. We lost track of who was Vice-President and Secretary. We did not have regular election of officers.

For many years, our annual celebration had typically been planned by my uncle and me -scheduling the church, ordering flowers to grace the Icon of the Panagia Myrtithiotisa, reserving a restaurant, composing and mailing a letter, receiving responses.

After about 15 years, I suggested it was time to have another election. My uncle, was elected President, I was Vice President. A year later, he fell ill and seven months later he passed away. At our next annual celebration, we had another election. I was persuaded to be President for one year, to show other Kytherians what was involved in planning our activities. That was four years ago. The difference is that now, the other officers are very active in helping with the organizations' plans.

Our Treasurer, Efrosene Capsanes Kalezis takes care of all of our finances. We typically respond to all appeals for giving that the church issues. Each year we also send a donation to the Kasimteion Gerokomeion of Potamos, Kythera. Efrosene's sister, Titsa Capsanes Bronstein is our Vice President. She has been putting together a Kytherian quiz. It contains question about Kytherian history, geography & customs. We pass the questions out at the luncheon and give a small prize to the person who answers the most questions correctly.

Our Secretary is Aritee Souris Bond. She gets out letters to our mailing list. When she is able she gets together a small news letter that includes photographs of some recent activities".

- Diana Homberg.


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