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USA, California

Kytherian Society of California

President:: Katherine Stathis
VIce President: Elaine Moulos
Recording Secretary/Scholarship Chairman: Melissa Neofis-Mischak
Corresponding Secretary/Technology: Vikki Vrettos Fraioli

Treasurer: Megan Pearse

Videographer: Ted Zamenes


Board Members:

Cynthia Cavalenes-Jarvis

Ted Leonis

Richard LInd

Terry Chlentzos Panages

Tom Panages


1478 Calais
Livermore, Ca 94550
925 698-6337

You can contact the Kytherian Society of California by emailing

Katherine Stathis or Vikki Vrettos Fraioli

or visit their website by clicking the link below:

Kytherian Society of California

See also:


Brief History

The Kytherian Society of California was founded in Oakland, California, on January 5, 1950. Its purpose was "to promote the interests of citizens and residents of the United States originating from the Island of Cythera."

Its original name was The Kytherian Brotherhood of General Koronaios. The group's seal portrays the image of General Koronaios, and around it is imprinted Kytherian Brotherhood. General Koronaios took part in the Cretan revolution from 1866-1869 and commanded the revolutionary forces in the County of Rethimnon. (General Panos Koronaios' statue was placed in the platia in Potamos.)

Statue of General Panos Koronaios. Potamos

Dedication and Patrons. Rear of Statue. Erected 1911

According to the 1950 constitution, the following were listed as founding members:
George N. Cominos
Harry Alfieris
Demetrios Psaltis
Peter Batagios
Nikos Vardas
Thanasis (Arthur) Psaltis
Antonis Aroney
Fotis Sofios
Angelos Simotas
John Alfieris
Alexandros Bellecy

In 1997 the constitution was revised to meet current taxation requirements.
Each year the society celebrates the Myrtidiotisa with an artoclasia on September 24.

-Dr John Mavromatis

Eulogy to a great President

Following a battle with the illness Anne Conomos Condas, president of the Kytherian Brotherhood of California and the Western States, passed away on Monday, December 27, 2004.

Anne served for years as the soul of the Brotherhood, caring for the Kytherian eldery of California, assisting every Hellenic event in the Bay Area and taking countless photos, most of which were published at the Hellenic Journal.

She was a member of the board of the Modern Greek Studies, Nikos Kazantzakis, chair at the State University of San Francisco. Her passionate love for Kythera was expressed in various ways, but mostly by raising money for the Gerokomeio and collecting instruments for the Brass Band of Potamos, that she was bringing with her at her annual visits to the island.

Her presence, enthusiasm, warmth and vigor will be sorely missed but not forgoten. We are greatful for her contributions to Hellenism and Kytherians. She is survived to her husband George, her children and grand children and the remaining family. May her Memory be Eternal.

Her funeral was on Thursday, December 30, 2004.

17766 Hillside Court
Castro Valley, CA 94546
Former President: Mrs. Anne Condas

- -Dr John Mavromatis

September 2006 Update

1) This is our 57th year in existence - our humble beginnings started with a small faithful community of Kytherians gathering once a year to share stories of Kythera, socialize and network. From our earliest beginnings, we were concerned about raising money for various charities on the island of Kythera and also interested in promoting Greek heritage and education. Our first constitution was created in 1950, "Cytherian Brotherhood "General Koronaios."

2) For many years, one of our long standing, beloved Presidents Anastasia Conomos Condas championed many causes on the Island of Kythera as well as connected with many Greek organizations throughout the Bay Area to remain viable and present in the many activities that take place here: Hellenic Historical Museum, Modern Greek Studies Project, Kytherian Societies Outreach and Recruitment, Greek Consulate, the Greek American Oral History Archive at San Francisco State University, Greek Independence parade and the various festivals throughout the Bay Area.

In particular, our Society has created tape recordings (On file with SF State) from our venerable members Mrs. Stamatina Chlentzos and Mrs. Helen Caliope Manus. We have maintained close ties with the Hellenic Journal.

Further, we have participated in the 1st International Conference on the island + donated countless charitable items including: musical instruments, wheelchairs, books, refrigerators, etc.

We also self-published the "A Tale of Paliochora" by George Koksma. We are also promoting the work of "Walking in Kythira" published by the Greek Experience of London.

3) There are many, many Greek organizations in SF. It's important to note that we are small compared to others and that we typically focus on specific issues areas on the island such as charitable donations and scholarships. Societies include - Achaia Society, Bay Area Greek Business Assn., AHEPA, Daughters of Penelope, Greek American Prof. Women's Assn., Hellenic Heritage Institue, Hellenic Law Society, Modern Green Studies Foundation, Panarcadians of Oakland, San Jose, SF; Oakland Ascension Historical Society; Greek TV, the Greek Churches, Cephalonian Society, Byzantion Society.

4)The Kytherian Society sponsored a very important presentation, "The Australian Paliochora Kythera Archaeological Survey" and the study of medieval and post medieval churches and cemeteries in N. Kythera. The presentation was given by Lita Diacopoulos and Dr. Timothy Gregory on Jan. 6, 2004.

5)Under the leadership of Elaine Moulos we are moving into a future requiring significant changes for our Chapter. Changes including connecting with our international Kytherian Societies, technology, recruitment of younger Greeks, networking with a variety of business leaders, etc.

See also:


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