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Peter (Panagiotis) Prineas

'BRITAIN'S GREEK ISLANDS Kythera and the Ionian Islands 1809 to 1864' by Peter Prineas

'BRITAIN'S GREEK ISLANDS Kythera and the Ionian Islands 1809 to 1864' by Peter Prineas - %22Britain's Greek Islands%22 cov. image 66kb

Published October 2009
Soft cover, 415 pages, bibliog., notes, index.
ISBN 9780980672213
Published by Plateia Press

'BRITAIN'S GREEK ISLANDS' was launched by Associate Professor Vrasidas Karalis of the Department of Modern Greek at Sydney University's Nicholson Museum on 14 October 2009. Professor Karalis has described the book as 'a labour of love, meticulously researched' and 'a fascinating personal account of the Seven Islands which were "British" before becoming Greek'.

The book tells the story of five decades in the early nineteenth century when the British ruled Kythera and the Ionian Islands. It is a very readable history, painstakingly assembled from hundreds of hand-written letters and documents, most previously unpublished.

It conveys the texture and detail of life, society and politics in the island of Cerigo (Kythera) and the Ionian Islands (then known as Corfu, Paxo, Santa Maura, Ithaca, Cephalonia and Zante) and illuminates important but largely forgotten events.

Based on extensive research in the archives, and illustrated with maps, photographs and historic prints, 'Britain's Greek Islands' reveals the sometimes turbulent relations that existed in the Protectorate named the 'United States of the Ionian Islands'.

The narrative is placed within the wider history of Europe and the Near East, from the Napoleonic Wars, through the Greek War of Independence, the Crimean War, and conflicts over the 'Eastern Question' that resonate to this day.

'Britain's Greek Islands' tells the story of five decades in the nineteenth century when the British ruled Kythera and the Ionian Islands. It is a very readable history, painstakingly assembled from hundreds of hand-written letters and documents, most previously unpublished. The book conveys the texture and detail of life, society and politics in the island of Cerigo (Kythera) and the Ionian Islands and illuminates important but largely forgotten events. Based on extensive research in the archives, and illustrated with maps, photographs and historic prints, 'Britain's Greek Islands' reveals the sometimes turbulent relations that existed in the Protectorate named the 'United States of the Ionian Islands'. The narrative is placed within the wider history of Europe and the Near East, from the Napoleonic Wars, through the Greek War of Independence, the Crimean War, and conflicts over the 'Eastern Question' that resonate to this day.

'A labour of love, meticulously researched. A fascinating personal account of the Seven Islands which were "British" before becoming Greek.' – Vrasidas Karalis, Department of Modern Greek, University of Sydney.

'Prineas paints a lively portrait of the history of the United States of the Ionian Islands, as the British named their protectorate. He follows the often extravagant lifestyles of the state’s lord high commissioners who, believing that the British-style parliamentary system was unsuitable for its Ionian subjects, oversaw a highly undemocratic political regime, centred in Corfu, which became increasingly unpopular with the islands’ elites and wider populations. ... Much more than the history of one small island, Britain’s Greek Islands is a worthy contribution to the study of the history of the Ionian Islands and Greek history in general.' – Damian Mac Con Ulladh, Athens News

'Here is a bit of the British Empire we did not know about – The United States of the Ionian Islands, no less. The Islanders were used to changes of sovereignty. Over the centuries they had been ruled by the Venetians (before there was an Italy), then France (as part of Napoleon’s mega-trip), then England (in its “protective” role). The Islands then pass to the newly-born Greece, as we now know it. Maybe we need to be reminded that national sovereignty is not a constant, and is no longer determined by a European mono-power.' – Barry McMahon, South Sydney Herald

'Congratulations on an original, thorough and well-researched book, which will keep me interested for many weeks.'
– Jim Potts, Corfu

Listed in Books of the Month for January 2010. – Newsletter of the Hellenic Society Prometheas, Washington DC.


By post: Plateia Press 32 Calder Road Darlington NSW 2008 AUSTRALIA.

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AUD$38.50 (plus postage and packing)

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'BRITAIN'S GREEK ISLANDS' is also available from selected bookshops, including Gleebooks and Abbeys in Sydney.

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