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Peter Tsicalas

Greek Festival 1921 – Souvenir Booklet

Author: Unknown
When Published: 1921
Publisher: Hardcastle & Aroney, Hellenic House, Brisbane
Price: Six pence. [Or slip a few bob to Cos Aroney of 50 Gilbert St., Dover Heights 2030, (Ph 02 9371 8932), and he’ll do you a photocopy from the only original left in captivity.]

Description: A 20 page booklet ‘to commemorate a most momentous festival time in Greek progress in Queensland,’ held to mark the opening of the new Hellenic House. It gives a potted history of the Hellenic Club and waxes lyrical over the Terakes/Strategakes and Spathis/Kouvaras weddings and the christenings of Jack Panos and ‘little Cosma Aroney, the bouncing son of Mr and Mrs Jack Aroney of Southport.’

[And has this word to the wise: … ‘It is to be regretted that one of the largest houses in this City doing business with the Greek citizens have withheld their support to this book; that firm, which has raised hundreds of pounds from the Greek weddings would not help the publication, but when doing business in future the Greek community will remember them.’ Lest We Forget.]

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