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George Poulos

History of Kythira, Volumes A & B

Author: Panagiotis Tsitsilias
When Published: 1993, 1994
Publisher: Society of Kythirian Studies
Available: Society of Kythirian Studies
Description: In Greek.

Volume A, 358 pages
Volume B, 344 pages

Price: Euros 15 per Volume

"An extensive work on the history of Kythira stretching from the depths of time until our era. A significant aid for those interested in the details of historical events. Especially interesting are the publications of letters, written by important figures related to Kythira, which help to clarify many events in the island's history".

The book is available from the offices of the
Society of Kythirian Studies
5, Themistocleous St, Athens,
tel. (+30)210-3838190
fax (+30)210-3844915

Contact the Society of Kytherian Studies

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