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George Poulos

Kythirian Dictionary

Author: Editor, Dim. L Komis.
When Published: 1996
Publisher: Society of Kythirian Studies
Available: Society of Kythirian studies
Description: Greek, 504. pages.
Price: Euros 18

"A collection of idiomatic words of Kythira or words used idiomatically in Kythira. A valuable aid for the comprehension of, and a linguistic approach to, local dialects in Greece through a chracteristic society, like that of Kythira. It contains approximately 10,000 words, and is prefaced by professor Giorgos I. Kassimatis.

The work has been awarded by the Academy of Athens."

The book is available from the offices of the
Society of Kytherian Studies
5, Themistocleous St, Athens,
tel. (+30)210-3838190
fax (+30)210-3844915

Contact the Society of Kytherian Studies

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