My Four Homes.
Author: Dimitri Protopsaltis
When Published: 2004
Publisher: Dimitris A Stafildis
Price: A$25
Available: Jim Saltis
Description: Paperback
ISBN: 960 7695 267
Language: Greek
Publishers details:
Γ Γεωαδιου Φειδου,
10678 Aθηνα.
Tηλ: 210 381 3773
Φαξ: 210 381 3730
email: Email Stafilidis, Publisher
In Australia:
To order a copy of the book, contact, Jim Saltis Ph. 93999767, and
Email Jim Saltis
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Memories and history by a Kytherian of his life in Alexandria, Egypt, in the years 1926-1949.