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George Poulos

Population Censuses of Kythera, 18th century

Author: Maria G Patramani, Antonia K. Marmareli, & Emmanuel G Drakakis (editors)
When Published: 1997
Publisher: Society of Kytherian Studies
Available: Society of Kytherian Studies
Description: In Greek.

Volume A, 484 pages
Volume B, 588 pages
Volume C, 132 (index)

Price: Euro's 32

"A bulky and immensely interesting and thorough work containing the censuses conducted by the Venetian authorities in 1721, 1724, 1753, 1760 ca, 1770 ca, 1772, 1784 and 1778.

The work is prefaced by professor Chrysa Maltezou, and contains all the names - in order of family - of those included in each census along with their sex, age, and social class."

The book is available from the offices of the
Society of Kytherian Studies
5, Themistocleous St, Athens,
tel. (+30)210-3838190
fax (+30)210-3844915

Contact the Society of Kytherian Studies

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