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The Gift of Mystical Insight.

The Gift of Mystical Insight. - BOOKCOVER

Author: Emmanuel J. Karavousanos

When Published: 2007

Publisher: AuthorHouse


Available: Emmanuel J Karavousanos & AuthorHouse

Description: Paperback

Published by New York Kytherian-American, Emmanuel J. Karavousanos

Tel: 718-470-0941

Email Emmanuel here

New Book Presents Analysis of the Obvious as Key to Attaining Ultimate Reality

BELLEROSE, N.Y. – In his new book, The Gift of Mystical Insight: The Secret Unlocked. The Logic Revealed (published by AuthorHouse), Emmanuel J. Karavousanos reveals the basis, the evidence and the logic of why mystical experiences occur.

Filled with the author’s insights, wisdom and anecdotes, along with quotations from great minds throughout history, The Gift of Mystical Insight emphasizes thinking critically about the things that seem to need the least thought. The book opens with a quote from Alfred North Whitehead: “Familiar things happen and mankind does not bother about them. It requires a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious.” Karavousanos returns to this theme again and again with quotes from intellectual giants such as Aldous Huxley, Hegel, Heraclitus, Kahlil Gibran, George Bernard Shaw and others.

“There is now an unshakeable foundation constructed from the words of prominent people that convincingly demonstrate the importance of analyzing familiar things, obvious things, and things already known to us,” Karavousanos writes. “Here is the impetus to reach for the mystical experience and to discover the gift of ultimate reality.”

Karavousanos argues that faith must be shifted from the heavens to the mundane to understand the mystical, a paradox that finds a parallel in the nature of mind. “Unknowingly, we focus on anything and everything that comes our way,” he writes. “The paradox of the mind is recognized in the realization that we cannot learn unless we focus, and we cannot have peace of mind and freedom of thought when we do focus.”

Written in short chapters, The Gift of Mystical Insight covers topics such as the divine as a state of mind rather than a god in heaven, wisdom as part of the soul, “the moving present,” self-esteem, feeling and being one with the universe, and the true nature of being human. Perhaps most importantly, Karavousanos solves the conflict between science and religion and identifies their nexus.

After working for 33 years as an investigator, Emmanuel Karavousanos retired in 1990 and devoted himself to his first love, investigating the problem of consciousness. Although a layman, he has been invited to speak at several conferences, discussing topics such as how each leg of the Holy Trinity is an accepted modern day aspect of consciousness, how and why science and religion are both necessary and indispensable elements for the attainment of the mystical state, and how and why the gift of insight is the science and religion nexus.

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The Gift of Mystical Insight. - 100_6761a

Emmanuel J. Karavousanos, author of the book

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