Kytherian Society of California Global ZOOM VI-9 Apr 2022
The Kytherian Society of California held it’s 6th Global ZOOM on April 9, 2022.
Over the course of seven hours and forty minutes, we had 84 participants from all over the USA, Australia, Greece, UK, Canada, Ireland, France and Paraguay.
Peggy Vassilou, KIPA representative, gave a very informative update on the Wind Turbine situation. Donations are badly needed to continue the legal fight against the installation of
these colossal turbines all over our pristine island. Please consider making a donation, no matter how small, to help in this effort.
Donations may be made via the KIPA website:
For the latest information go to: http://kythira-windturbines.com/en/
Helen Tzortzopoulos, FMK President was en route to Kythera and therefore unable to attend. Dean Poulos, read a message from Helen stating: "...the FMK signed the contract with the architect, Stephanos Tavaridis and his team, who were chosen pursuant to an open competition that we held last year for the submission of a concept of design for the museum. This completed file, with all necessary engineering plans, conforming to E.U. museum specifications, will then be handed to the Mayor, Mr. Charchalakis to procure funds through the E.U. or Prefecture of Attiki.
We can now, finally, officially launch our museum campaign!!!
We are still waiting on the Academy of Athens to sign the Memorandum in relation to the museology study which, though agreed, has been pending for some time now. Once this has been done, we can officially call on everyone to submit their family stories, photos, documentation etc., to our email address being set up specifically for this purpose. The academic who will be supervising all the research and collating the data will be only too happy to take part in the presentation of our Migration Museum project.
I think that a specific zoom meeting is probably the best way of going forward with this project of ours where the team will be able to answer questions, hear opinions and share ideas. Bear in mind that our Migration Museum is the first of its kind in Greece which makes it a particularly ambitious undertaking for the FMK and we trust that everyone with some Kytherian affiliation will find the need to become a part of this venture.”
Amalia Samios & Kalie Zervos from the Kytherian Genealogy Project shared their new website: https://www.kytheriangenealogy.com
They each shared how they got started in genealogy, and the different resources they use and have collected for their research.
Their website includes a blog, family tree service information, puzzle books to purchase, and invaluable links and resources.
The Resources tab includes photos of the Faces of Australian Immigrants as they appear in documents collected from online research, the Faces on Tombstones, and Photos of tombstones from several different cemeteries. Under each photo, is the name of the person as it appears on his or her birth certificate, the year of birth and the names of both father and mother, including her maiden name.
Amalia and Kalie demonstrated how to search for your own relatives using the Family Search and Greek Digital Archives (GAK) websites.
Amalia & Kalie have an amazing aptitude for deciphering and translating the archaic writing — often on extremely damaged documents — from these websites. The entire Kytherian community is indebted to Amalia and Kalie for their tireless and heroic efforts, which benefit us all.
Prize Drawing
Many thanks to James Prineas for donating 3 movie streaming codes for An Island Named Desire.
Congratulations to our winners!
Andrea Kalokerinos Simmers, Tony Conomos & Laura Pavlou-Mudie
Many thanks to Amalia Samios & Kalie Zervos for donating Kytherian Word Puzzle & Kytherian Spot the Difference puzzle books.
Volume 1 of each book - Stephen & Maria Dockings
Volume 2 of each book - Dean Poulos
Following the group photo, participants enjoyed small group conversations in breakout rooms. New people joined and others left however the group continued chatting until 8:40 p.m. PDT.
Click the link to watch the first 2 hours and 17 minutes of the ZOOM on YouTube: https://youtu.be/5NkKwdknMpM
If you would like to be included in the mailing for the next ZOOM, click here to send an email.
We hope to see you all again next time!
Vikki Vrettos Fraioli
President, Kytherian Society of California
Visit our website: www.ksoca.com