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Anna Cominos


Debate is turning to action in Kithira,-regarding the proposal to lease local land so that a power company can create ‘windmill parks’ to sell electricity back to the DEH (National Electricity Co). The lack of political transparency has given rise to a rapid response groundswell of opposition here on the island as well as in Athens and the Kytherian Diaspora.

The Capital of Chora will come alive this Sunday, 10th of February , when an extensive meeting is to be held with energy specialists and other coming to speak to locals about this burning issues. The meeting is sponsored by KYPA (Kytherian Foundation of Culture and Progress) – made up of Kytherians academics and professionals- and there is serious discussion about taking the issue to the EEC.

Reader response to the last ‘52 weeks in Tsirigo’ blog has been overwhelming .I apologise if I yet have to respond to your emails personally but they have all been saved and you will be immediately updated once the all important meeting this Sunday occurs.

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