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Toni Risson

Working in a Greek cafe in Australia

I just met a lady who knew about the book I published earlier this year about Greek cafes in Australia and wanted to tell me about her mother's experience. Her mother was born in 1918 and worked for Harry Londy in Londy's Cafe in Ipswich. This must have been in the late 30s and early 40s from what we could piece together. Working for Harry had been one of the happiest times in her life, according to her daughter, who looked after her mother at home for the last seven years of her life and got to hear lots of stories about the early years. When her mother was married Harry gave her a china cabinet full of china for a wedding present. From interviews with other local girls who waitressed for Harry, and proprietors in other Ipswich cafes for that matter, I know the local girls were treated like family more often than not, and working in a Greek cafe truly was one of the highlights of their lives.

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