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Fatseas Exhibition at Benaki Museum

The opening of the exhibition PANAYOTIS FATSEAS: KYTHERIAN FACES, 1920-1938 at the Benaki Museum on Pireos Street, Athens will take place at 8.00 pm on Thursday, February 21st. A copy of the official invitation is attached, and all are welcome to what is probably the single most important cultural event in recent Kytherian history.

The exhibition will be accompanied by a high-quality monograph with 120+ full-page illustrations and an extensive text by the curator, John Stathatos. The book is being published by tetarto editions, will appear in both Greek and English, with the Greek version appearing first; the English edition should be ready by Easter.

The exhibition will run to March 23rd.


Fatseas Exhibition at Benaki Museum - Invitation front Fatseas Exhibition at Benaki Museum - Invitation back

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1 Comment

George Vardas
on 04.02.2008

It is very plesaing that this exhibition is being staged at the Benaki. But why does the Benaki Museum's own website not have any details about the Fatseas exhibition?