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James Prineas

Live Broadcast: Festival of the Virgin Myrtithiotisa

Festival of the Virgin Myrtithiotisa

The Holy Metropolis of Kythira and InternetChannel.gr invite you to join with him and enjoy the live broadcast of Services at Monastery Myrtithia from the blessed Island of Kythira.

This broadcast is proudly sponsored by Peter Magiros and Frutex Australia.

The online broadcasts will take place at these times


23 September 2011
Vespers of the Festival of the Virgin Myrtithiotisa
Greece: 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Australia (East Coast): 3:00am to 5:00am
USA (West Coast): 9:00am to 11:00am
USA (East Coast): 12 midday to 2:00pm

24 September 2011
Divine Liturgy
Greece: 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 AM
Australia (East Coast): 3:00pm to 7:00pm
USA (West Coast): 9:00pm to 1:00am
USA (East Coast): 12 midnight to 4am

The live broadcast will be broadcast on the website www.internetchannel.gr/kytheramyrtidia
and retransmitted by Radio station of the Church of Greece 89,5 FM

For more information: www.ecclesia.gr
The services will also be relayed by the sites and www.camelotradio.gr www.kythera.gr, www.tsirigofm.gr 105,6 Fm


• On September 25, 2011, video of the Holy Services will be displayed in standard quality video at:
www.internetchannel.gr/kytheramyrtidia and www.youtube.com/kytheramyrtidia

• On September 29, 2011, video of the Holy Services will be posted online in HD (High Definition) Video at www.youtube.com/kytheramyrtidia

For more information: Tel: +306977471511 and
e-mail: info@internetchannel.gr
Technical Manager, IT Manager
Panagiotis Giannis (Lagos)
MSc in Multimedia Technology

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