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Kytherian Cultural Exchange

Peter James Prineas honored with a Medal (OAM) of the Order oF Australia in the General Division

For service to conservation and the environment in New South Wales through executive and advocacy roles.

Chairperson, Nature Conservation Council of NSW, 1995-1997;

Vice-Chairperson, 1990-1994;

Executive Member, 1976-1977, 1985-1998 and 2000-2006;

Public Officer, 2001-2006; Member, Management Committee, 2001-2004.

Chairperson,The Colong Foundation for Wilderness (formerly the Colong Committee), 2007; Deputy Chairperson, 2002-2007;
Member, since 1970.

Actively involved with the Boyd Plateau Campaign (Blue Mountains), the Lake Pedder Campaign (Tasmania), the NSW Rainforests campaign, campaigns for NSW Wilderness areas and the Wilderness Act 1987.

Member, NSW Environment Protection Authority Board, 2000-2008.
Organiser and Chair, ‘National Parks: New Visions for a New Century’ Conference, 1997.

Director, National Parks Association of NSW, 1974-1982; Editor, NPA Journal, 1974-1982.

Actively involved with campaigning to save the state’s rainforest, now World Heritage Listed 'Central Eastern Rainforest Reserves of Australia', 1976-1982.

Convenor, Sydney Water Project, 1990s.

Member, Wilderness Working Group ,1986.

Author, The NSW Forestry Act – A Review with suggestions for Reform, 1985.

Author, Environmental Impact of Bushfires, 1983.

Author and Co-Publisher, Wild Places: Wilderness in Eastern New South Wales (with Henry Gold), 1983.

Author and Co-Publisher, Colo Wilderness (with Henry Gold), 1978.

Co-Author, Australia's Wilderness: report to the Australian Conservation Foundation (with R Lembit and N Fisher), 1986.

Co-Author, Historical and Prehistorical Study of New South Wales Rainforests: A Study for the Department of Environment and Planning (with H Proudfoot and D Byrne), 1984.

Author, Katsehamos and the Great Idea, 2006; an account of Greeks and Australians in the early 20th Century, 2006.

Author, Britain’s Greek Islands: Kythera and the Ionian Islands 1809 to 1864, 2009; a personal account of the 7 islands which were ‘British’ before coming ‘Greek’.Within the framework of ‘Australia Day’, the Australian state honors citizens for their social and humanitarian work in Australia.

This year, as well as Peter Prineas, seven Greek-Australians are among the recipients of Australia Day honours. The recipients represent the best of the Australian character.

Eleni Kali from Tasmania was given an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) for her social work in Tasmania, while Loula Kostou from Victoria was awarded for her service to Children’s Hospital.

Moreover, the late Jack Giorgos Kyros was honored for his support for the Greek-Australians of West Australia, while Emmanouil Petrelis and Eleni Poulou were awarded for providing support to children of New South Wales.

Furthermore, Christopher Xenophon Stathi for his work concerning conservation of water resources in South Australia.

Finally, the Olympic gold medal winner in Aerial Skiing, Lydia Ierodiakonou, was also an honour recipient.

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