Rediscovering Kythera's ancient capital
Download Invitation here:
kytherian archaeology s.pdf
A talk explaining how members of the Kytherian-Australian community helped to organise a team who supported
archaeological digs on Kythera during July, 2010.
Sections of the mostly forgotten 2400+ year old ancient capital
were found at Palaeokastro, helping discover a new chapter of ancient history. Hear how the team found walls,
columns, coins, thousands of roof tile fragments, ancient ceramics and dozens of other different kinds of artefacts.
Key finds and an explanation of how the same community backed concept could be implemented in other parts of
Greece will be presented.
Where: Sydney University, New Law School Lecture Theatre 101
When: Wednesday, November 10th, 7pm for a 7.30pm start
How Much: Free.
Light refreshments will be served.
RSVP by Nov 1st is esential. Please call Kathy Samios on
9349 1849 or email to secure your place.
This project was made possible by the gracious support of the Nicholas Anthony Aroney Trust and Kytherian Association of Australia.
In association with the Sydney Friends of the Australian Archaeological Institute of Athens