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Return of the Photographic Encounters

Following last year’s enforced migration to the internet for luck of funding, the Kythera Photographic Encounters are returning. The twelfth edition of the annual Encounters will be held between Saturday 29 September and Tuesday 1 October 2013, thanks to generous sponsorship from the Aroney Trust. The program of events will include Greece’s only professional photographic conference; a workshop with the well-known photographer Yiorgos Depollas; “In Kavafis’s House”, a video projection by the artist Lizzie Calligas; and a variety of seminars, exhibitions and other events across the island, including exhibitions of work by Manolis Charos and Yiorgos Lefteris. The Encounters, organised by the Kythera Cultural Association and directed by John Stathatos, will be held under the aegis of the Municipality of Kythera.

The Encounters on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KytheraPhotoEncounters?sk=wall Return of the Photographic Encounters - KPE 2013

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