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John Paul Calokerinos

You are invited to the launch of the “new” renovated Canberra Cafe, Manilla, NSW .

Download an official invitation here:

Canberra Cafe Invite.pdf

You are invited to attend a tribute to “Jack Smiles” and the refurbishment of “The Canberra Cafe”

When:- Sunday 31st March

Where:- Canberra Cafe
132 Manilla Street
Manilla 2346

Time:- 2.00 pm

Paul Calokerinos & Family invite you to help them celebrate the building & establishment of “The Canberra Cafe by “Jack Smiles’ - (Yannis Kalokerinos) & the recent restoration of the Cafe` to its original glory.

Paul Calokerinos. The last dinki-di Greek cafe owner?

Paul Calokerinos, A Mighty Old Timer

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