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Nataly Werthaim

Ayurovedic Yoga massage

Based in Ayia Pelagia, but Nataly can also provide the service at the clients house, or place of accomodation.

Ayurovedic Yoga massage - DSC_0120

Deep, total, and unique relaxation experience.

*Ayuroveda Yoga massage
is an extremely powerful and unique system of body therapy based on the fusion of the two ancient Indian sciences – Yoga and Ayuroveda.

The massage techniques is a combination on modality of Shuatsu, Thai massage, Acupressure, Traditional Ayurovedic and Swedish massage. The assisted stretches(yoga) open and realign the entire body, deep tissue massage and powerful breath work system brings to client the experience of very deep and full relaxation and clarity of the entire system. Unifying mind & body and creating presence, awareness and balance.

Ayuroveda - holistic system of medicine ,a lifestyle which helps to maintain health in a person body. Releasing both physical, emotional & mental stress and energy related imbalance.

The massage combined with special Indian powder (Calamus) which is antiseptic and stimulate the blood circulation and the sesame organic oil, because of its lecithin helps brain cells and nerves to alleviate depression and stress, both detoxifies and cleans the skin.

Benefits of Ayurovedic massage:

*Incredibly effective for upper and lower back pain (Sciatica),spine cord injury and post operative recovery

*Relieve stress and muscle tension in neck and shoulders

*Improve mobility , flexibility and blood circulation

*Relieve Anxiety ,Exhaustion ,helps sleep disorders

*treats high blood pressure and diabetes

*Assist weight control, slow down ageing process

*Improve breathing(helps Asthma problems )

Sessions last 90 min

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