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Peter Makarthis

Roxy Complex Now a Reality

As reported in the Bingara Advocate, Tuesday 3 July 2007 (Lead Item - Front page).

"At the last meeting of Gwydir Shire Council, held last Thursday (28 June), the decision was made to purchase the Shun Kwong Restaurant and associated building. The business and building will become part of the Roxy Theatre complex"

Mayor Mark Coulton said of the purchase - "This acquisition is not only important for the for the future operation of the Roxy Theatre as a successful conference and event venue but is also significant for the heritage and cultural value of the building as the current Chinese restaurant was part of the Roxy, operating as a Greek cafe and this will be recaptured by Council in this development."

" Negotiations are underway with the Greek Community to establish a 1936 genre Greek cafe."

The Kythera Connection

Councillor John Wearne has been having discussions with the Greek community about the Roxy complex. There is a a suggestion to make the Chinese restaurant into a quintessential Greek Museum in Australia. Funding and precise planning is needed, for a Greek cafe proposal with a strong Greek influence," he said.

Extracted from Bingara Advocate
3 July 2007
Peter McCarthy

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