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Kythera Photographic Encounters 2013

Thanks to a last-minute grant of 4,000 Euros from the Aroney Trust, the 12th Kythera Photographic Encounters took place once again between September 27th and October 1st. Despite the very tight budget and the last minute rush, the Encounters, one of the most popular events of this kind in Greece, were once again a great success, drawing together an eclectic mix of academics, art historians, museum professionals and distinguished photographers as well as an important leavening of students and younger photographers who were able to attend thanks to subsidised travel and accommodation.

Organised and run by the independent Kythera Cultural Association and curated by the association’s director, John Stathatos, the Encounters include a two-day Conference on the History of Greek Photography, the country’s only regular academic forum on the medium, as well as workshops and exhibitions spread around the island; this year, exhibition venues included Chora, Potamos, Kalamos and Kapsali.

Despite a well-earned reputation as Kythera’s most prestigious annual cultural event, the Encounters have always been under-funded, operating at a fraction of the cost of equivalent events elsewhere; in 2012, the absence of any funding at all meant that the Encounters were reduced to a digital presence and a retrospective exhibition in an internet gallery. A number of approaches have been made proposing a physical move of the Conference from Kythera to Athens, together with a guarantee of future funding, but have so far been resisted. Though the event is held under the aegis of the Municipality, this does not result in any financial assistance; apart from the generous grant from the Aroney Trust and an additional 1,000 Euro donation from Mr. Constantine Pilavachi, sponsorship was once again limited to minor but very welcome aid in kind or services by individuals.

Kythera Photographic Encounters 2013 - Mercato (Filippousi)s

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