Maritsa Samios. Gravesite. Old Dubbo Cemetery.
On Saturday 12th November, 2005, I drove to Dubbo, in central western New South Wales - to search for the gravesite of my baby sister Ollie. I had never been to the gravesite before - in the 53 years of my life.
I thought I was looking for a marked grave, and so I traipsed around the Old Dubbo Cemetery for two hours looking for it.
The story of how I found it, and the gravesites' exact location is told elsewhere.
In the meantime I encountered the gravesites of a number of Kytherians.
This is the gravesite of one Kytherian, Matritsa Samios.
The epigraph on the headstone reads:
Gods greatest gift
I submit a photograph of the gravesite of Maritsa Samios in the hope that this will prompt her descendants to provide us with her life-history.