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Spyro Calocerinos


Nikolaos, was from Kallisperianika and the family nickname was "Tsiknomenos".
He married Maria Samios from Hora "KOTSIFOS". Nikolaos and Maria had a number of daughters and their last child was a son DIMITRIS "Mitsos" who was in Australia for a short time, then returned to Greece and became a schoolteacher. Maria Samios was a sister of the well known Yiannis Kotsifos who owned the "bus" service many years ago and also had a taxi, which was used when King Paul visited Kythera.

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Νικόλαος Λουράντος
on 16.10.2007

It's my paternal Grandfather who's origin is from Kalisperianika. His nick name was "Maragos" - that's Carpender because of his profession. The family nickname was "Tsiknomenos". He's buried with his wife Maria of the Samios family of Hora nicknamed "Kotsifos". I presented a paper at the 8th PanIonian Conference about family archives in which he had an unfinished war diary from the 1920-22 Greco-Turkish War.

George Boodrookas
on 25.10.2008

Thank you for posting this photo Mr. Calocerinos. I am a grandson of Nikolaos and Maria Lourantos. There were nine daughters born to Nikolaos and Maria in addition to the one son, Dimitris. Three of the sisters emigrated to Australia, three to the United States and three remained in Greece. Two of the sisters have passed away, including my mother, Anna (Lourantos) Boodrookas. George Boodrookas Modesto, California, U.S.A.

Spyro Calocerinos
on 26.10.2008

George, I know the family very well and I went to school with your late mother Anna.I still see your aunts and uncle Jim almost every year when we go to Kythera Good luck Spyro@kythera-family.net