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George Poulos

Kythera Island Project (KIP)

Kythera Island Project (KIP) - Kythera Island Project Logo

One of the most stimulating and exciting Archaeological sites on Kythera is the Kythera Island Project (KIP).

KIP Directors are:

Cyprian Broodbank (University College London)

Evangelia Kiriatzi (Fitch Laboratory, British School at Athens)

[The British School at Athens was involved in the 1972 study of Kythera, by J. N. Coldstream, and G.L. Huxley. (See, Culture, subsection, Bibliography for a Review article)].

"This site introduces a range of KIP research activities dedicated to studying the long-term cultural and environmental history of the island of Kythera (Greece) and its place in a wider world."

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