Robert Hannah. One of the foremost authorities in the Southern Hemisphere
...on the Antikythera Mechanism
BA (Otago) MPhil (Oxon), FSA, Professor
Email Robert, here
Robert Hannah graduated from Otago and Oxford. He teaches courses principally in Greek and Roman art. His research interests include archaeoastronomy, the Classical Collections of the Otago Museum (of which he is Honorary Curator), the iconography of Greek mythology, and the Classical Tradition in art. He held a Marsden Grant for 2004-2006 to work on a project entitled Time in Antiquity. He was elected to a Fellowship of the Society of Antiquaries of London in 2008.
Prof. Hannah is also Associate Dean of Research in the Division of Humanities.
Papers taught 2010
First Semester:
CLAS107: Age of Heroes: Mycenaeans, Trojans and Greeks (co-taught with Dr. P. Hannah)
CLAS236: Art of Empires: Hellenistic Art from Alexander to Augustus (co-taught with Dr. P. Hannah)
CLAS331: Research Methods in Classics
Second Semester:
On research leave
Recent publications include:
Time in Antiquity (London 2009)
Greek and Roman Calendars: Constructions of Time in the Classical World (London 2005)
(with R. Collins) "Through Classicising eyes: Revisiting Piron's images of Pacific Islanders from d'Entrecasteaux's voyage"
Journal of New Zealand Art History 29: 27-40 (2008)
In Handbook of Engineering and Technology in the Classical World ed. J. P. Oleson (Oxford 2007) 1031-59
"The meridiana of Ulugh Beg in Hagia Sophia, Constantinople"
Nuncius 22 (2007) 1-14
"Calendars and Chronology in Ancient Greece"
In Magill's Choice: Ancient Greece ed. Thomas J. Sienkewicz (Pasadena 2007) 196-99
"The Unconquered Sun"
In The Elegant Universe of Albert Einstein Tom Barnes et al. (Wellington 2006) 119-43
(with J. Rountree and B.L.W. Wong) "Digital artifacts in Teaching Classical Art: Some Educational Considerations"
Acta of the XVIth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Boston 2003
eds. C. Mattusch and A. Donohue (New York 2006) 276-8
"Calendar Styles in Richardson's Sir Charles Granison"
In New Windows on a Woman's World, Volume 1 eds. C. Gibson and L. Marr (Dunedin 2005) 51-61
(with S.R. Lusby and P. Knight) "A possible solution to a long standing cartographic mystery. Parts 1 and 2"
The Hydrographic Journal 115 (2005) 11-17, and 116 (2005) 7-14
(with B. Buxton) "OGIS 458, the Augustan Calendar, and the Succession"
In Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History, Volume XII ed. C. Deroux (Brussels 2005) 290-306
(with N.C. Rountree, J.Rountree and A. Robins) "Interacting Factors that Predict Success and Failure in a CS1 Course"
inroads: SIGCSE Bulletin 36 (2004) 101-104
(with J. Rountree and B.L.W. Wong) "A Fidelity-Mediation Framework for Virtual Objects"
International Journal of Learning Technology 1 (2004) 163-178
(with M. Moss) 'The archaeoastronomy of the Palaikastro kouros from Crete"
In Calendars, Symbols, and Orientations: Legacies of Astronomy in Culture eds. M. Blomberg, P.E. Blomberg and G. Henriksson (Uppsala 2003) 73-77
"Imaging the Cosmos: Astronomical Ekphraseis in Euripides"
In The Verbal and the Visual: Cultures of Ekphrasis in Antiquity Ramus: Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature, ed. J. Elsner 31 (2002) 19-32
(with S. Pedersen) "Celestial Dynamics at the Crossroads: Proclus' reassessment of Plato in the light of empirical science"
Antichthon 36 (2002) 65-79
(with J. Rountree and B.L.W. Wong) "Learning with Digital Artifacts: Gaining a Sense of the Object" VINE 32 (2002) 14-21
(with J. Rountree and B.L.W. Wong) "Learning to Look: Real and Virtual Artifacts" Educational Technology & Society 5 (2002) 129-134
"Euctemon's Parapegma"
In Science and Mathematics in Ancient Greek Culture eds. C. J. Tuplin and T. E. Rihll (Oxford 2002) 112-132
"The moon, the sun and the stars: counting the days and the years"
In The Discovery of Time ed. S. McCready (London 2001) 56-99
"From Orality to Literacy: the case of the star calendar"
In Speaking Volumes: Orality and Literacy in the Greek and Roman World ed. J. Watson (Leiden 2001) 139-159
In Progress, 2009
(with D. Anson and B. Hudson) Lamps in New Zealand Collections
In Mediterranean Archaeology, Supplement (Sydney, forthcoming 2008)
Time in Antiquity (London)
(with P. Wheatley, eds.) Alexander in the Antipodes: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Alexander the Great and his Successors (Claremont, CA: forthcoming 2008)
"Calendar, Greek"
In The Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome ed. S. Burstein (New York, forthcoming)
"Astronomy; Pleiades; Orion; Arktos; Hesperos; Hyades; Bootes"
In Homer Encyclopedia ed. M. Finkelberg (Oxford, forthcoming)
University of Otago, Division of Humanities Research Cluster
Prof. Hannah is a member of the Classical Culture and Society Research Cluster.