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Peter Tsicalas

1935-38 Greek Businesses in NSW

This list was apparently compiled by an American publishing company which was bringing out a world-wide Greek business directory in the late 1930s. It is extensive but by no means complete - there are definitely some towns and names missing. (It was originally in Greek so please send us any spelling changes). This is only the section which deals with country NSW and southern Queensland. If anyone has the whole collection (or a copy of the book!) we would much appreciate access to it so that the whole collection can be available on this site. Suggestions, additions and corrections would be much appreciated.

George S. Sotiropoulos from Akratas, trading as George Sampson had the Hume Weir Cafe at 555 Dean St.
Iak. Mikel Iakovidis from Kon poleos had the Riverina cafe.
Spyros Phil. Gkoutsios from Argurokastrou had the Albury Cafe.

Emm. Ant. Kassimatis from Kythera and Periklis Them. Koulmandas from Ag. Papaskeuis on Mitylinis had The Olympia Cafe.

George P. Komninos from Dourgiannika plus Emmanouil had the IXL Cafe trading as Cominos Bros.

George An. Georgopoulos from Christoforianika had the Monterey cafe trading as G. Poulos.
Mich. G. Feros and P. E. Miliotis from Kythera were trading as Feros Bros.

Grig. George Samios from Manitochori and George Kaloutsis had S. P. & Co Silver Bell Cafe.

Ioannis Theod. Feros from Mitata had the Golden Bell Cafe.
Ioannis D. Megalooikonomos from Potamos and Dimitrios Sophianos from Agias Paraskevis Mitylinis had the Monterey Cafe.

Antonios Dimitrios Diakopoulos from Karavas had the Kosciusco Cafe.

Kostas Basil Kentrotis from Fratsia trading as C. Kentros at 129 George St.

Emm. D. Kolatzis from Logothetianika had the Canberra Cafe.

Emmanuel D. Aronis from Aroniathika had Peters and Co.
Nik. K. Stamos from Aigiou had the Gwyder Cafe.

Nik. Dim. Psaltis from Mitata had the Niagara Cafe.

Bogan Gate
Nik. Chr. Kouvelis from Aigiou had the Bogan Gate Palace cafe and Grocery.

Stam. N. Christianos from Potamos had the White Rose Cafe.
George Pan. Kritharis from Karavas had a cafe.

Anton Emm Travasaros from Leivadiou on Kythera had the Broadway Cafe.

Kassimatis had Royal cafe. Kosmas Min Marentis from Fratsia had Blue Bird Cafe.

Kostas Phot. Papadopoulos from Pergi Chiou had the Cafe de Luxe and the White Rose cafe.
Ioannis Spyro Tzannes from Livathi on Kythera had the Boorowa Cafe.

Stratis Agg Pipos from Vathy on Ithaca had the Elysian Cafe.

George Agg Pipos ditto had the Cafe de Lux.

Kyriakos N. Kassimatis from Potamos had the IXL Cafe.

Byron Bay
George and Anton. Dim. Feros from Mitata on Kythera were trading as Feros Bros.

Kon. Ioannis Kasimatis from Friliggianika on Kythera had The Lawns Refreshments.
Charil. Dim. Notara from Friliggianika had The High Gate Cafe.
Elias G. Sakellaridis from Karpathou had the Kingston Fruit Market and Leo’s Cafe.
Dim. Kasimatis and T. Notaras from Kythera had the Capitol Cafe.

Lazaros Thil. Mitsis from Kleisari, Vor. Hpeirou and Nik Kakogiannis from Alatsaton M. Asios had the Garden of Roses.
Dimitrios Andr. Eleutheriou from Euvolas had the IXL Fruit Markets.

George Spyro Kominos from Kythera had Gregory’s Cafe.

Char. P. Tasmpiras, George Chr. Simos, and Polychronis V. Panaretos from Potamos had the Marble Bar Cafe, trading as Tsamberas and Co.
Anastas. S. Zantiotis from Kythera and Char Karydis from Megalopoleos had the Rose Marie Cafe.

Michael Emm. Pitsiladis from Mitylinis had the New York Cafe.
Pan. P. Marselos from Keramouto on Kythera had the Central Cafe.

Charal. Pan Koronos had the Hotel Corones.
Kon Dim Kominos from Alexandradon had Comino’s Building.
Char G Georgas from Proggi on Kythera had Warrego Cafe.
Panag Char Lokos from Aroniadika had the Paris Cafe.

Nik and Ioannis Minas Tzortzopoulos from Karavas on Kythera had the Cobar cafe trading as Poulos Bros.
Basil Emm Travasaros from Travasargianika had the Blue Bird Cafe.
Kyprianos D. Dimitriou from Aglatza Kyprou had the Occidental Cafe plus Chrysanthou and Paraskeua. Trading as James Bros.

Coffs Harbour
Sotir., Pan. and Eustratios Nik. Samios from Alozanika had the Central Cafe.
Sotir. K. Aronis from Aronithika had the Coffs Harbour Jetty Cafe.

Emm Bas Petrocheilos from Alexandradon had the Collarenbri Cafe and Refreshment.

Emm. Ioannis Fatseas from Ag. Elias on Kythera had the Red Rose cafe.
Theo. Kalopaidis had the Imperial cafe.

Emm. and Minas Fardoulis from Potamos had the Central Cafe.
Panos Basil Kanakis from Mesagrov Geras Mitylinis had Peters Inn.

Ioannis Chr. Paspalas from Logothetianika on Kythera.

Ioannis George Marselos and K. G. Kontoleon from Kythera had The Sunshine Sundae Shop.
K. G. Kontoleon from Smyrnis and Ioannis Marselos from Kythera had the Boronia Cafe.
Ioannis and George Gr. Tsigkounis from Kythera had the Central Cafe.

Emmanuel Ioannis Koronaios from Potamos and Basil and Euaggel trading as Coroneos Bros were at West Coonamble.
George and Konstantinos Anast. Anastopoulos from Athens had the Monterey cafe.
Stephanos Athan. Staurou and Ioannis N. Margos from Argurokastrou had the Busy Bee Cafe.

Sokrat. Nik. Behlevanas from Agias Paraskevis on Mitylinis had The Fruit King trading as W. Bahles.
Euag. Mich. Nikolidakis from Pethymnou had The Silver Star Cafe trading as Nicholson Bros.
Nikol. Georg. Theodorakis from Ziros, Siteias, Crete, and Georgios Fratzeskakis from Phratsion, Pethymnou, trading as Nicholson Bros.
Ignatios Pan. Varouxis from Ag. Paraskevis, Mitylinis had the White Rose Cafe trading as Tom Varos.
Minas Dim. Koumpis from Kousounari on Kythera had the Popular Cafe.

Dimitr. Chr. Oikonomopoulos from Kiatou had the Renown Cafe.

Ioannis Kyr. Pavlakis from Fratsia had the City Markets.
Spyro Dim. Chatziphotiou from Tenedos had the Garden of Roses trading as Gleeson and Co.
Nik. Ioannis Stavroulakis from Chanion had the Fruit Markets trading as Nick Cretan.

George Ioannis Protopaltis from Mitata on Kythera had the Niagara cafe.

Emmanuel N. Marselos from Karvounades on Kythera had the Olympic Cafe.
Eustratios Emmanuel Notaras from Friliggianika on Kythera had the Hume Cafe.

George P Kassimatis from Drymonos and Theo Char Michanis from Fryligianika had the White Rose Cafe.
Stelios Soph Sarantelis from Kalloni Mitylinis.
Ioannis George Bilikopoulos from Marmara, Propontidos had the Renown Cafe.

Markos, Nearchos and Christos Marneros from Kypron had Cafe Magestic and Austral Chambers.
Konst Dim Kentrotis from Fratsia had Cafe Koroentos.

Deep Water
Kosmas G Tzannes from Fratsia on Kythera.

Char. Dim. Flaskas from Christoforianika.

Michail Nik. Feros from Mitata had the Dorrigo Hotel and the Dorrigo Cafe.

Ioannis A. Samios from Aloizianika had the Kookaburra Cafe.
Kon. Ant. Margosis and Eust. Pan. Margosis from Pyrgos Akratas had the Valencia Cafe.
Theordors and Basileios Mich. Georgantopoulos from Kratas had the Golden Gate Cafe trading as Georgeson Bros.

Anton. G. Barboutis from Kastellorizo trading as Barboutis Bros had Sunshine Cafe.

Kon. Georg Boutsikakis from Tripoleos had the White Rose Cafe.
George Euag Logothetis from Logothetianika and Ioannis Kapsanis from Potamos had the Monterey Cafe.

Mich Ant Trillidis from Strovolo Kyprou and Minas Andr. Kalokairinos from Alexandradon had the Blue Bell cafe.

Aggelos Ioannis Kalatzis from Limnos had the Royal Cafe.
Minas G. Kalopaidis from Kousounari had the Garden of Roses.

Pan. George Logothetis from Logothetianika had the Elite Cafe in Rankin St.
Pan. Eustr. Michailaros from Ag. Paraskevis on Mityinis had The White Rose Cafe trading as P. Mitchell.
Christos George Michailaros from Ag. Paraskevis, Mitlinis had the Wattle cafe.

Glen Innes
Konst and Stavr Emm Baveas from Potamos owned the Grey Supreme Building and had the Supreme Cafe and the White Rose Cafe

Emm. P. Minopetros and Kosmas and George Livanou from Ag. Nikolaou Batika had the Garden of Roses Cafe.
Spyros P. Vlantis from Kalokairines had Ritz Cafe.

Elias G. Chrysanthopoulos from Patron and Kalavryton had the Poulos cafe.
Eustath. N. Fardoulis from Potamos had the Olympic Cafe.

Nik. and Euaggelos Ioannis Diakopoulos had the Orient Cafe.

Nikol. Ant. Koukoulis from Peiraies had the Blue and White Milk Bar and Coffee Inn at 228 Auburn St.
Euag. Kon Tsalavoutas from Kastania, Vatika had the Capitol cafe.
George Kosmas Kominos from Karavas had the Cafe Bon Ton at 226 Auburn St.
Antonios M. Papadopoulos from Karpathou had the White Rose Cafe.
Xenofon Ger. Paytopoulos from Ag. Sarania on Ithaka had The Lounge Cafe at 227 Auburn St.
Dim. Mich. Sofios from Logothetianika on Kythera had the Monaro Cafe.

Kosmas Dim. Marselos from Fratsia had the Hygiene Cafe at 83 Prince St with Ioannou Varupati.
Ioannis, Anton. and Theod. Lambros Notaras from Fryligianika had the Marble Bar Cafe.
Pan. Athan. Venardos from Karavas had the Popular Cafe.
Dimit. and Nikol. George Anastasopouloi from Aroniadika had Langley’s cafe in South Grafton.

Stratos Euag. Triantafyllou from Tenedos and Kosmas Panag. Theodopoulos from Aroniadika on Kythera had The Garden of Roses.

Ioannis Pan. Moulos from Logothetianikon and Anar. Ioannis Samios from Aloizianika had the Central Cafe.
Dimitrios Kosmas Prineas from Mitata.

Dim. Kon. Prineas from Mitata had the Golden Key Cafe and a cafe in Dubbo.

Euaggelos Agat. Kalaitzis from Kastellorizou had the White Cafe.

Anast. Ath. Pouloudis from Athnon was a wool and skin dealer.
Panag. N. Veneris from Perligianika and Emmanuel Th. Kypriotis had the Acropolis Cafe.
Nikolaos G. Tsaousis from Aylaimonos had the Monterey Cafe.
Anast Zantiotis from Ag. Anastasias had the White Rose cafe.
George and Elias Pan. Kassis from Kastania Spartis had the Gunnedah Fruit Market.
Lampos P Zantiotis from Karavas had the Busy Bee Cafe.

Christos D. Koronaios from Karavas on Kythera had the Busy Bee Cafe.

Anast. Pan. Kominos from Dourgiannika had the Red Rose Cafe.

Antonios, Nikolaos and Theodoros Andreou Flaskas from Christoforianika had the Paragon and Garden of Roses cafes.

Ioannis and Dimitrios Kordatos from Potamos had the Real Cafe trading as Cordatos Bros.

Dimitrios Prineas from Kythera had the Olympic Cafe.
Apost. Char. Bougas from Balinitika, Aigiou had the Peter Pan Cafe.

Nik G Stratigos from Mylopotamos had the Kosciusko Cafe.
Andr N. Paterakis from Chanion trading as A Patterson.

Theo and Panag Dim Psaros from Mylopotamos had the Monterey Cafe.
Charal Kon Fardoulis from Potamos had Fardouli’s Cafe.

Margaritis Bas Margaritis from Iteas had Australia Cafe and Canberra Cafe.
Petros Ioannis Nikolaou from Ioanninon had Cafe Australia.

Basil K. Georgantopoulos from Akratas had the London Cafe trading as Conson Bros.
Pan. I. Prineas from Mitata had The Allies Cafe.

Pan., Dim., Georg. and Emm. Konst. Moti from Lianianika on Kythera had the Sunshine Cafe.

Eustr. Glutsos from Smyrnis and Pan. Megalooikonomou from Kythera had Peters and Co.
Alex. D. Samios from Kythera had Cabaret cafe.

Lake Cargelligo
Ioannis Spiro Chanos from Pera on Ithakia had the Bouquet Cafe.
Theo. Ioannis Kassimatis from Kythera had the Civic Theatre, Billiard Rooms and Barber Shop and The Excelsior Cafe.

George Andr. Stratigakis from Sfakia had a shop at 85 Woodlark St.
Char. and Nik. Kritharis from Kythera had the Regent cafe and Nik was also proprietor of a shop at Evans Head.
Pavlos Koronakis from Kerkuras had a shop at 141 Keen St.
Panag. N. Kritharis from Kythera had the Monterey Cafe.
Spros Agg. Dendrinos from Ithaca had the Capitol cafe.

Dim. Pan. Sofios from Potamos had the Blue Bird Cafe.

Basil Pan. Tzitzinaris from Limnou, and Andreas Panagopoulos from Akatas had the Peterson Cafe.

George Emm. Potiris from Mylopotamos had a cafe.

Nik. Pan. Mavrogiorgis from Karavas on Kythera had the Occidental cafe.

Basil Minas Glutsos from Dokana and Philip Ioannis Feros from Mitata had the Canberra Cafe and the York Cafe.

Ioannis Panag. Aristotelis and Antonios Athan. Charalampidou from Imbros had the Blue Bird Cafe and also interests at Bonalbo and Rankin Springs.

Savvas Hl. Papanikolaou from Peiraios had the Astros Theatre and refreshment rooms trading as Nicholas Bros.
Ioannis N. Kyriakov from Methanon had the Oassis Cafe.

Nik Georg Kypriadis from Karava on Kythera had Red Rose Cafe.

George Kos Kallinikos from Fratsia had Blue Bird cafes in Cairns, Townsville, Broken Hill plus interests in Innisfail, Wolka ,Cafe Australia Ipswich, plus Ipswich JP.
Eustr Pan Mutaros from Papados Mitylinis had White Rose Cafe.

Emm. and Nik. Petros Kassimatis from Livathi on Kythera had the Pantheon Refreshment Rooms.

Moree East
Geras. P. Bovos from Xiulokastrou Korinthias had the Monterey cafe.
Theod Min. Komninos and Kyriskos Emm Potiris from Kythera were trading as Comino Bros from Balo St.
George Char Sotiropoulos from Akratas had the Astoria Cafe trading as George Samson.

Ioannis and Pan. Kon Panagiotopoulos from Tsipianos, Tripoleon had the Royal Cafe in Church St trading as Bockos Bros.
Nik Mavrommatis had the Mudgee Cafe trading as N. Maris.
Ioannis and Baleris Kon Prineas from Mitaton had the Hollywood Cafe in Church St.

Anastas. Minas Kaponas from Mitata on Kythera had the Marble Bar Cafe

Geras. Agg. Pippos from Vathy on Ithaca had the Cafe de Lux.

Nik. Ant. Koukoulis had the Continental Cafe
Stephanos, George and Nik. Pan Aggouras from Alepouchoriou, Tripoleos had business on Commercial Rd.
Ioannis, Odyssey and Nik. Dim Vlismas from Ithaca had the Cafe Belle Vue.

Kostas, Theo and Spyros Minas Koronaios from Potamos had the Niagara Cafe.

Euagg. Emm. Chalagkas from Palaiochoriou on Mitylinis had the White Rose cafe.
Grigor. Kaldis had the Blue Bird Cafe.

Theodoros Dim. Sotiropoulos from Valkovina in Akratas had the Majestic Cafe trading as Theo Sotiros.
Aggelos Dim Sotiropoulos from Valkovina, Akratas had the Golden Key Cafe.

Emman St Gianniotis from Livathi on Kythera had the Narromine Cafe trading as Peters and Co.
Charalampos, Aristos and Zacharias George Papazachapopoulos from Akratas had the Golden Key cafe and trading as Georgson Bros.

Kostakis, Karatzas, Sykiotis, Patzis, George P. Grivas (Ithaca), Kostakis, Sukiotis, Karatzas, Katsikos, Paytpopoul

Apost. Emm. Kontoleon from Kythera had the Blue Mountain Cafe.

Euag Ioannis Vaggis from Karavas on Kythera had the Golden Gate Cafe.

Christos Athan. Tselas from Mania.., Tripoleos had the Silver Key Cafe trading as A. Chellas.
Ioannis Char. Kanellakopoulos from Kalamon had the Mayfair Confectionery Co at 302 Summer St trading as John Cane.
Apostolos Ioannis Apostolos from Fournoi, Sa.... and Andreou Kon Panagiotou had Pals Fish Cafe.
George Mich. Patsis from Fratsia had the cafe at 233 Summer St trading as George Ryan.
George N. Krigkas from Pizon, Tegeas had the Rose Marie Cafe at 262 Summer St with Ioannis T. Vosnopoulos.
Mich. D. Tavlas from Crete had Five Ways Fruit Supply at 307 Summer St.

Elias Kosmas Tsaousis from Viarathika on Kythera had the Paragon Cafe.
Basil Georgiou Eliopoulos from Tripoleos had the Fish Cafe at 259 Clarinda St.

Peak Hill
Pan. Kosmas Tsaousis from Viarathika on Kythera had the Paragon Cafe.

Port Macquarie
Euag. Catsatouris and Yioi from Kastellorizo had the Ritz Theatre.
Dimitritios Kosmas Aronis from Aroniadika had farms at Bundara plus the Niagara Cafe and Empire Theatre.
Theodoros Aronis (Papadopoulos) had ?

Kon. and Basil Ioannis Tsiragakis from Karpanou had the Capitol Cafe trading as Manuel Bros.
Pan. Em. Kontoleon from Avlemonas on Kythera had the Canberra cafe with wife Isabella.

Dim G Koronis from Fryligianika had Quilpie Hotel and Club Hotel.

Anton Ioannis Karystinos from Margaritis had Bellevue Cafe.

Ioannis and George Apost. Moulos from Kousounari had the Astoria and Niagara Cafes.

Kon. Theod and Spyros Mina Koronaios from Potamos had the Niagara Cafe.
Ant. B. Panaretos from Potamos had a cafe in Kelly St.
Polychronis B. Zerefos from Vatika had the Scone and District Fruit and Vegetable Supply Co.
Nik. Char. Andronikos from Aylaimonos on Kythera had the Regent Cafe.

Mich. Athan. Theodorou from Manesi, Kalavruton had Theodores Cafe

Nik Emm Paspalas from Ag. Anstasias on Kythera had the Arcadia Cafe and the Vienna Cafe
Christophoros Dim Souris from Karavas had the Arcadia Cinema.

St George
Ioannis Ath Tzonakas from Galaxeidiou and Nikolaou.... Balonne Café.

G. B. Theodoropoulos from Akratas

Spyr K. Oikonomopoulos from Akratas had the Ritz Cafe.
Euagg. P. Christianos from Logothetianikon had Dreamland Cafe.
Eustath. G. Achilaras from Palaiochoriou on Mytylinis had the White Rose Cafe.
Basil P. Kalokairinos from Alexandrades and Min. Venardos from Karava had the Golden Bell Cafe.

Dimitrios Staur. Masselos from Fratsia ... and Grigorios, had the Victoria Cafe and also trading at Wingham.
Emm. Anton. Gemenis from Kastellorizo had business at 145 Victoria St.
Ioannis and George Emm. Zantiotis from Vouvo on Kythera had the Elite cafe.
Ioannis M. Kassimatis from Friliggianika on Kythera had the Taree Fish Shop and appeared to be a partner in the Elite.

Petros Fotiou Simos from Leivadiou had P. Semos Cafe.
Antonios George Kaloutois and Kosmas George Samios from Manitochori on Kythera had the Silver Star cafe.
Minas George Kassimatis from Pitsinianika.

George Nik Koumpis had the Cameo Cafe and the Paragon Cafe.

Palaton Ioannis Katsivalis and Euth N. Spyropoulos from Poronvitsa had the Trocadero Cafe.
Panag Mina Spaggos from Kastrisianika on Kythera had the Golden Star Cafe.

Theo. Char. Maboukis from Akatas had the Palace cafe.

Dim. K. Souris from Ag. Anastaolas on Kythera had the White Rose Cafe.

Nik. and Panag. Ioannis Glutsos from Kypriotianika on Kythera had the Ocean View Hotel and the Hotel Coffs Harbour at Coffs Harbour.

Emm. Char. Megalooikonomos from Potamos had the White Rose Cafe.
Sotir. George Tsigkounis from Ag. Mama Monemvasia had the Blue Bird Cafe trading as S. Gounis.

Dim Papantoniou and Nik Ioannis Arguris from Plomsriou on Mitylinis had the Walgett Cafe trading as Papas and Co.
Lampos, Emm and Dimitrios Georg Megalooikonomou from Kalamos on Kythera had the Luxury Theatre and Barwon Cafe.

Sarantis, Char, Ioannis and Dim George Zantiotis had the Civic Cafe.

Spyr G Bokolas from Aigiou had Blue Bird Cafe.

Ioannis Nik Giannakopoulos from Akratas had the Golden Key Cafe.
Anastas Ioannis Kapsanis from Potamos had the Monterey Cafe.

Aggelos. Char. Chrysis from Akratas had The Golden Key Cafe.
Theo. Alex. Friligkos and Kassimati had the Hollywood Cafe.
Eustr. Emm. Asproloupos from Plomariou on Mitylis had the Kosciosko Cafe trading as Charles Loupos.

Apostolos K. Katavoladas (Paul Kato) from Thessalias had a Billiards and Barber Shop.

Ioannis K. Kalokairinos from Fratsia had the City Cafe.
Andreas N. Venardos from Karavas had the Warwick Cafe
Theo Dim Potiris from Mylopotamos had the ABC cafe.

West Maitland
Spyro Ant Semitekolos and Athan. P. Gerakitis had the Paragon and White Rose Cafes.

West Wyalong
Nik. Chr. Lorandos from Kalisperianika on Kythera had The Golden Bell Cafe.

Stamat. Georg. Velegrios from Karlovasi on Samos had The Rose Marie Cafe, trading as S. Green at Deven St.

Harry Tambakis, Peter Tambakis & Theo Tambakis, Silver Bell Cafe, Crown St, Wollongong.
The Tambakis brothers were from Areoi, Kythera, sons of Nicholas.  Peter arrived in Australia 1909, Theo in 1924 however unable to find records of Harry's arrival which would have been approx 1919.

Pan. George Kapsanis from Ag. Anastasias on Kythera, plus Theo and George Kon. Vernados trading as Peters and Co.

Panag. Eustr. Kalligeros and Pag. Theo. Tampakis from Pitsinianika on Kythera had the Acropolis cafe.
Kon. Pan. Baylos from Potamos had the Tivoli and Reo Theatres.

Pan. Geor. Katsoulis from Katsoulianika had Peters Cafe.

Ioannis Mich. Karazeris from Akratas had the Montecarlo Cafe in Cooma St trading as John Brown.

Alex George Tzortozopoulos from Karavas had the Popular Cafe

Ioannis Pol. Trifylis from Potamos and Vretos Venerios from Perlegiannika had the Yeoval cafe.

Kon Andr. Koutsopoulos from Anastasovis, Kalavryton had the Golden Key Cafe.
Petros Nik. Skorinis from Pireas had the Town Hall Cafe.

Achilaras - Tamworth
Aggouras - Murwillumbah
Anastopoulos - Grafton, Coonamble
Andronikos - Scone
Apostopoulos - Orange
Arguris - Walgett
Aronis - Port Macquarie, Coffs Harbour, Bingara
Aristotelis - Merriwagga, Bonalbo
Asprolopoupos - Wellington
Barboutis - Dungog
Baveas - Glen Innes
Baylos - Wyalong
Behlevanas - Cootamundra
Bilikopoulos - Cudal
Bokolas - Warra
Bougas - Holbrook
Boutsikakis - Dunedoo
Bovos - East Moree
Catsatouris - Port Macquarie
Chanos - Lake Cargelligo
Chalagkas - Narrabri
Charalampidou - Merriwagga, Rankin
Chatzifotiou - Cowra
Christianos - Tamworth, Boggabri
Chrysanthopoulos - Goondiwindi
Chrysis - Wellington Springs
Dendrinos - Lismore
Diakopoulos - Gosford, Barradine
Dimitriou - Cobar
Eleutheriou - Canowindra
Fardoulis - Coolah, Inverell, Goondiwindi
Fatseas - Condoblin
Feros - Dorrigo, Manilla, Barraba, Ballina, Byron Bay
Flaskas - Harden, Denman
Fratzeskakis - Cootamundra
Friligkos - Wellington
Gemenis - Taree
Georgantopoulos - Junee, Dubbo
Georgopoulos - Ballina
Georgas - Charleville
Gerakitis - West Maitland
Giannakopoulos - Warren
Gianniotis - Narromine
Gkoutsios - Albury
Glutsos - Urunga, Manilla, Kyogle
Hliopoulos - Parkes
Hpeirou - Canowindra
Kakaogiannis - Canowindra
Kalatzis - Eugowra, Gulgong
Kalligeros - Wyalong
Kallinikos - Mitchell
Kalokairinos - Tamworth, Emmaville, Warwick
Kalopaidis - Condobolin, Eugowra
Kaloutois - Temora
Kanakis - Colah
Kanellakopoulos - Orange
Kaponas - Mullumbimby
Kapsanis - Woodstock, Dunedoo, Warren
Karazeris - Yass
Karystinos - Roma
Karydis - Casino
Kasimatis - Canberra, Temora, Lake Cargelligo, Ardelathan, Wellington, Molong, Taree, Bundarra, Cunnamulla, Boonah
Kassis - Gunnedah
Katavoladas - Wallanbeen
Katsivalis - Trangie
Katsoulis - Wyong
Kentrotis - Bathurst, Dalby
Kolarzis - Bellingen
Kominos - Goulburn, Caragabal, Moree, Armidale, Guyra, Charleville
Kontoleon - Queanbeyan, Nimbin Coonabarabran
Kordatos - Hilliston
Koronaios - Gunning, Scone, Coonamble, Muswellbrook
Koronakis - Lismore
Koronis - Quilpi, Charleville
Koulmandas - Ardelathan
Koutsopoulos - Young
Koukoulis - Goulburn, Murwillumbah
Koumpis - Cootamundra, Tenterfield
Krigkas - Orange
Kritharis - Boggabri, Lismore
Kypriadis - Miles
Kyriakov - Merriwa
Kypriotis - Gunnedah
Lakovidis - Albury
Livanou - Gloucestor
Logothetis - Forbes, Dundedoo
Lokos - Charleville
Lourandos - West Wyalong
Mampoukis - Trundle
Margos - Coonamble
Margaritis - Jandowae
Margosis - Dubbo
Marneros - Dalby
Marselos - Culcain, Cessnock, Grafton, Coonabarabran
Masselos - Taree
Mavrogrigis - Mandila
Mavromatis - Mudgee
Megaloconomos - Walcha, Barraba, Kyogle, Walgett
Michanis - Cunamulla
Mitsis - Canowindra
Michailaros - Forbes
Miliotis - Ballina
Minopetros - Gloucestor
Motis - Kempsey
Moulos - Griffith, Singleton
Mutatos - Mitchell
Nikolaou - Jandowae
Nikolidakis - Cootamundra
Notaras - Culcain, Canberra, Grafton
Oikonopoulos - Corowa, Tamworth
Panagiotou - Orange
Panagiotopoulos - Mudgee
Panaretos - Scone, Casino
Papadopoulos - Goulburn, Boorowa
Papanikolaou - Merriwa
Papantoniou - Walgett
Papazachapopoulos - Narromine Paspalas - Coolamon, Stanthorpe
Paterakis - Inglewood
Patsis - Orange
Paylakis - Cowra
Paytopoulos - Goulburn
Petrocheilos - Collarenbri
Pippos - Bourke, Brewarina, Mungindi
Pitsiladis - Cessnock
Potiris - Macksville, Moree, Warwick
Pouloudis - Gunnedah
Prineas - Holbrook, Junee, Griffith, Mudgee, Gulargambone
Protopsaltis - Crookwell, Blayney
Psaros - Inverell
Sakellaridis - Canberra
Samios - Barmedman, Temora, Coffs Harbour, Dubbo, Kyogle
Sarantelis - Cunnamulla
Semitekolos - West Maitland
Simos - Temora, Casino
Skorinis - Young
Sophianos - Barraba
Sofios - Goulburn, Lithgow
Sotiropoulos - Albury, Narrandera, Moree
Souris - Uralla, Stanthorpe
Spaggos - Trangie
Spyropoulos - Trangie
Stamos - Bingara
Staurou - Coonamble
Stavroulakis - Cowra
Stratigakis - Lismore
Stratigos - Inglewood
Tavlas - Orange
Theodorakis - Cootamundra
Theodoreopoulos - Stroud
Theodorou - Southport
Travasaros - Cobar, Boomi
Triantafyllou - Grenfell
Trifylis - Yeoval
Trillidis - Emmaville
Tsalavoutas - Goulburn
Tsampiras - Casino
Tsaousis - Gunnedah
Tarsousis - Peak Hill
Tsaouthis - Parkes
Tselas - Orange
Tsigkounis - Walcha, Coonabarabran
Tsiragakis - Queanbeyan
Tzannes - Boorowa, Deep Water
Tzitzinaris - Lockhard
Tzonakas - St George,
Tzortzopoulos - Cobar, Yelarbon
Vaggis - Nyngan
Varouxis - Cootamundra
Velegrios - Wodonga
Venardos - Grafton, Tamworth, Warwick
Venerios - Yeoval
Veneris - Gunnedah
Vlantis - Gloucestor
Vlismas - Murwillumbah
Vosnopoulos - Orange
Zantiotis - Taree, Gunnedah, Warialda, Casino
Zerefos - Scone

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Maree Ganley(Scordilis)
on 07.04.2009

wondering why Rockhampton and Twonsville are not listed?

Maree Ganley(Scordilis)
on 07.04.2009

sorry Townsville and Rockhampton not listed?

Maria Bishop
on 15.09.2010

I'm sure Greek cafes were also at Winton and Redcliffe, Queensland

Alex Kypriadis
on 14.12.2010

the cafe majestic must have changed is name to the red rose cafe in miles a.kypriadis

Barbara Zantiotis
on 05.12.2011

The Wollongong section states that Theo Tambakis arrived in 1924. He actually arrived in 1923.