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George Poulos

A Flag for Kythera. Proposal 3. Utilising the shell from which Aphrodite emerged into the world.

A Flag for Kythera. Proposal 3. Utilising the shell from which Aphrodite emerged into the world. - Venus symbol 2

[This is a work in progress. A 7-piece shell form (think the Shell petroleum logo) - in "clay yellow" - is to be placed in the centre (blue) circle

I have yet to devise a 7 piece shell icon - with which I am satisfied].

The shell metaphorically signifies the womb of Gaia (the world) - and the emergence of the female principle into the world (ie Aphrodite) - which allows for the emergence of humanity.

The male principle alone - could never generate "humanity" - for biological, psychological, and sociological reasons.

In a sense the birth of Aphrodite - also signifies the birth of Kythera.

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