Upload Your Entry
George Poulos

Advanced Tips for submitting to kythera-family; from an experienced user.

The Distinction between Photo entry pages, and Word pages on kythera-family.

There are two types of entry pages on the web-site:

1. Straight Photo pages eg Modern Portraits, and Cafes, Shops & Cinemas - which have a little box at the point of entry - and your photo "fits into the box". On Photo Pages you can only submit one photograph per entry.

2. Word Based pages - like General History, and Notable Kytherians. On Word Pages, you can submit more than one photograph per entry.

When you click on Add an Image - {the box under the text box}, to (2) Word pages - a new entry page is generated. Don't forget to fill out all the details in this new entry page - as if it was a new entry. Don't forget to fill in both the Header and the Body of the page. Otherwise the entry won't be submitted at all.

Press, Submit.

Press, OK.

This is where it can get a bit tricky, particularly when you are first learning to "add" photographs to a Word Page, or are submitting multiple photographs.

You have clicked OK to finalise the submision. This entry then goes off to a "separate" Photography Page.

[**A more recent feature is that you can actually choose from a "drop-down" list what the photograph is actually submitted to.]

At this point, what I call a type of "flip-flopping" occurs. Now the web-site will "flip back" to the Original entry.

Note well: the consequence of making an entry to a Word Page, is that you end up, in fact, making two entries.

It is also important to note that at this stage, the photographs in the Word Page, (the Original Page), get coded as a written cipher like [[Aphrodite in paradise.jpg]]

Between two brackets. [[.........]]

Now, scroll to the bottom of the original entry (ie go to the end point of the text). There you will find the photograph coded as [[......]].

Now you can re-position it!

If you place your cursor over the bracketed area, and highlight it - you can then move this photograph wherever you want to - within the article. ("Drag and drop".)

For example, look at the entry:

Maria Simos-Levounis. My Story

This article has many, many photo's embedded in it. Within that entry, every photograph is coded as [[......]].

Additionally, each one of the photo's has been maintained in the Photography section, as individual separate entries.

You can verify this by searching under Levounis, and you will see them all in the list of submissions that is generated by the search.

{Subsequently the Administrator's assess the contents of this Photography Page, and may delete some entries which they consider redundant. Otherwise they stay on the site indefinitely.}

After you successfully submit your first Word Page entries, the procedure becomes "easy" and "obvious". And, I am pleased to say, difficult to forget.

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