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Peter Tsicalas

Australians on Kythera 1945

For the record, in early 1945 the British identified 76 Australian citizens (aka British Subjects) and their families marooned on Kythera. Numbers were greater than this, but these were the ones who requested assistance with remittance of funds tied up in Australia:
(Ref National Archives document A1066 – IC45/20/1/1/23)

Alfris, Con Emmanuel, landed Aust 1921, returned Kythera 1938. +1 dependant.
Aroney, Mrs, wife of Emmanuel Dimitri of Barraba. +2 sons.
Aroney, Mrs Anargeros, widow, husband naturalized 1928, returned 1937. +I dependant.
Aroney (Galanis), Nick, landed 1908, returned 1930. +3 dependants.
Aroney (Gerakitis), Peter, landed 1906, returned 1938. +5 dependants.
Calocherinos, John (Jack Smiles), landed 1912, returned 1935. +9 dependants.
Calopedis, George, landed 1903, returned 1938. +5 dependants.
Calopedis, Peter Dimitri, landed 1912, returned 1937. +2 dependants.
Capsanis, Harry, landed 1914, returned 1938. +2 dependants.
Caridis, Mrs John Nick, widow, landed 1905, returned 1939. +4 dependants.
Casimaty, Vasili, landed 1906, returned 1934. +6 dependants.
Castressus, Spiros (Stephen Cass), landed 1923, returned 1938. +4 dependants.
Chlentgos (Bylos), Angelo, landed 1906, returned 1939. +3 dependants.
Christianos, Minas Nick, landed 1915, returned 1938. +3 dependants.
Cochineas, Mrs James, widow, husband landed 1912, returned 1938. +3 dependants.
Colentianos, Peter, landed 1912, returned 1930. +4 dependants.
Combes, Nick, landed 1912, returned 1925. +6 dependants.
Comino, John Peter, landed 1912, returned 1938. +3 dependants.
Condoleon, George Mena, landed 1923, returned 1936. +5 dependants.
Coroneo, Dimitri, landed 1914, returned 1932. +5 dependants.
Dracakis, Peter Emmanuel, naturalized 1925, +4 dependants.
Fardouly, Cecil, naturalized 1925, returned 1934. +1 dependant.
Feros, John Dimitri, landed 1922, returned 1935. +4 dependants.
Firopoulos, Minas, landed 1922, returned 1932. +3 dependants.
Freeleagus, George, landed 1910, returned 1914. +2 dependants.
Frilingos, Peter, landed 1922, returned 1940. +1 dependant.
Frilingos (Sanderman), Arthur Emmanuel, landed 1908, returned 1924. +7 dependants.
Gengos, Evangelos, landed 1903, returned 1932. +5 dependants. Son Stan serving AIF.
Georgopoulos, (Tzortzopoulos) Peter Theo, landed 1914, returned 1936. +3 dependants.
Kadilas, J.E., landed 1914, returned 1937. +5 dependants.
Kalokerinos, Con, naturalized 1929, returned 1934. +5 dependants.
Kepreotis, George, landed 1908, returned 1933. +2 dependants.
Logus, Harry Angelo, landed 1908, returned 1929. +5 dependants.
Melonas, Spiro, landed 1903, returned 1928. +2 dependants.
Miliotis, George Peter, landed 1914, returned 1932. +1 dependant.
Motis, Emmanuel Con, landed 1922, returned 1939. +2 dependants.
Moulos, Athanasios Stefanou, landed 1912, returned 1938. +6 dependants.
Moulos, Ioannis Stefanou, landed 1912, returned 1938. +4 dependants.
Notaras, John P, landed 1914, returned 1929. +2 dependants.
Notaras, N, landed 1921, returned 1938. +6 dependants.
Petrohilos, Theo, naturalized 1930, returned 1937. +4 dependants.
Potiris, Emmanuel, landed 1908, returned 1926. +3 dependants.
Prineas, Peter Anthony, landed 1911, returned 1938. +4 dependants.
Prineas, James John, landed 1923, returned 1935. +5 dependants.
Psaltis, Arthur James, landed 1912, returned 1938. +2 dependants.
Psaltis, Mick Anthony, landed 1912, returned 1935. +2 dependants.
Samios (Kaligeros), Peter, landed 1914, returned 1934. +1 dependant.
Samios, Charles P, landed 1923, returned 1937. +4 dependants.
Samios, Dimitri N, landed 1914, returned 1926. +4 dependants.
Samios, George, landed 1914, returned 1929. +6 dependants.
Samios, John N, landed 1906, returned 1928. +2 dependants.
Samios, Peter, landed 1912, returned 1935. +3 dependants.
Samios, Theo A, landed 1925, returned 1931. +5 dependants.
Samios, Theo John, landed 1910, returned 1934. +4 dependants.
Samios, Theo, landed 1914, returned 1933. +3 dependants.
Sophios, Dimitri, landed 1920, returned 1932. +2 dependants.
Tambakis, John Theo, landed 1905, returned 1930. +3 dependants.
Travasaros, John, landed 1928, returned 1938. +4 dependants.
Travasaros, Nick of Moruya.
Trifellis, Kerry, landed 1911, returned 1935. +1 dependant.
Venardos, Con, naturalized 1925.

More naturalized Kytherian-Australians were trapped elsewhere in Greece, particularly Athens, when war broke out.

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