Document in which EVERY English word has a Greek derivation.
Οι λόγοι του Ζολώτα στην "αγγλική"
Στη σελίδα αυτή παρατίθενται οι εκπληκτικά ευρηματικοί λόγοι που εκφώνησε ο καθηγητής πανεπιστημίου, ακαδημαϊκός και πρώην πρωθυπουργός Ξενοφών Ζολώτας το 1957.
Σε αυτούς, μολονότι το κείμενο είναι γραμμένο στην αγγλική γλώσσα, ο συντάκτης χρησιμοποιεί αποκλειστικά (πλην κάποιων απαραίτητων συνδέσμων, άρθρων κτλ) ελληνικές λέξεις που αποτελούν δάνεια της ελληνικής προς την αγγλική γλώσσα! Η πρωτότυπη και ιδιαιτέρως ευφυής αυτή ιδέα, η οποία δεν προβάλλεται σχεδόν καθόλου, βρίσκεται στον αντίποδα της συνηθισμένης τακτικής μεγάλου μέρους των νεοελλήνων, οι οποίοι κάνουν το ακριβώς αντιστρόφως ανάλογο: χρησιμοποιούν, δηλαδή, ελληνικό λόγο με τόσα πολλά αγγλοσαξονικά δάνεια που αρχίζεις να αμφιβάλλεις για το αν ακούς ελληνικά ή αγγλοσαξονικά.
Διαβάστε τους, ακόμη κι αν δεν γνωρίζετε γρι αγγλικά! Δε χρειάζονται μετάφραση.
Α΄ λόγος: 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 1957
Ι eulogize the archons of the Panethnic Numismatic Thesaurus and the Ecumenical Trapeza for the orthodoxy of their axioms, methods and policies, although there is an episode of cacophony of the Trapeza with Hellas.
With enthusiasm we dialogue and synagonize at the synods of our didymous Organizations in which polymorphous economic ideas and dogmas are analyzed
and synthesized.
Our critical problems such as the numismatic plethora generate some agony and melancholy. This phenomenon is characteristic of our epoch. But, to my thesis, we have the dynamism to program therapeutic practices as a prophylaxis from chaos and catastrophe. In parallel, a panethnic unhypocritical economic synergy and harmonization in a democratic climate is basic.
I apologize for my eccentric monologue. I emphasize my eucharistia to you Kyrie, to the eugenic and generous American Ethnos and to the organizers and protagonists of this Amphictyony and the gastronomic symposia".
Β΄ λόγος: 2 Οκτωβρίου 1959
It is Zeus' anathema on our epoch for the dynamism of our economies and the heresy of our economic methods and policies that we should agonise between the Scylla of numismatic plethora and the Charybdis of economic anemia. It is not my idiosyncrasy to be ironic or sarcastic but my diagnosis would be that politicians are rather cryptoplethorists. Although they emphatically stigmatize numismatic plethora, energize it through their tactics and practices.
Our policies have to be based more on economic and less on political criteria.
Our gnomon has to be a metron between political, strategic and philanthropic scopes. Political magic has always been antieconomic.
In an epoch characterized by monopolies, oligopolies, menopsonies, monopolistic antagonism and polymorphous inelasticities, our policies have to be more orthological. But this should not be metamorphosed into plethorophobia which is endemic among academic economists.
Numismatic symmetry should not antagonize economic acme. A greater harmonization between the practices of the economic and numismatic archons is basic.
Parallel to this, we have to synchronize and harmonize more and more our economic and numismatic policies panethnically. These scopes are more practical now, when the prognostics of the political and economic barometer are halcyonic.
The history of our didymous organizations in this sphere has been didactic and their gnostic practices will always be a tonic to the polyonymous and idiomorphous ethnical economics. The genesis of the programmed organisations will dynamize these policies. I sympathise, therefore, with the aposties and the hierarchy of our organisations in their zeal to programme orthodox economic and numismatic policies, although I have some logomachy with them.
I apologize for having tyrannized you with my hellenic phraseology. In my epilogue, I emphasize my eulogy to the philoxenous autochthons of this cosmopolitan metropolis and my encomium to you, Kyrie, and the stenographers".
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Κ. Π.
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