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Peter Makarthis

Greek Community of New South Wales 1927

Greek Community of New South Wales
Unanimously Declares the Hellenic Herald
As its Official Organ
Commendatory Letter

Sydney, January 4, 1927
To the Editor,
“Hellenic Herald,”

Dear Sir,
The Greek Community of New South Wales, having followed with great attention and pride from its first appearance until the present time, the views, aspirations and aims of your excellent journal, and discerning that these aims have not only the broader effect of acting beneficially in the national interests of our beloved country, but also in the particular interests and aims of the Greeks of New South Wales and the Commonwealth of Australia generally, have unanimously decided to appoint your paper as the official organ of the said community of New South Wales, in the full consciousness that you are fully capable of representing and forwarding their best interests.

The Greek Community of New South Wales desire to avail themselves of this opportunity and occasion to express to you their fullest appreciation of the noble and patriotic work which you have seen fit to take in hand to perform. We recognise that your operations have the combined effect of uplifting our fellow countrymen in this land of their adoption, and of promoting the better understanding between them and their fellow citizens therein.

Never in the history of Australia have the Greeks been enabled to enjoy similar privilege, finding their interests represented and supported by so many writers of excellent literary ability and high ideals, both patriotic, ethical, civil and moral. Looking, not to your own interest but to the interests of your countrymen, you have undertaken this work inspired by high and lofty spirit of patriotism and ideality; we perceive that you are inspired by truly altruistic ideals, and that you fully recognise the high calling and vocation of those who undertake to illuminate the medium through the columns of the press. We also discern that you recognise fully the wonderful power of the press, both for good and evil, and the responsibility that the editing of a newspaper involves. In the press all human knowledge dwells. The press is a far greater oracle than that of Delphi, and like the oracle, it is capable of many interpretations. Books have a wonderful influence, but what book is so continually before the public as the columns of the press? He that corrupts the press corrupts the very fountain and the spring of human knowledge, by means of which we keep up an unbroken communication with all the ideals and aspirations of the past. A great English poet represents the press as saying “Blest be the man, by whom I bless, and shame on him who wrongs the press.” But while fully recognising the wonderful power for good possessed as an innate quality by the press , we are also fully and painfully conscious of its equally great power of evil. We perceive that you are fully aware of both phases of the journalist.

We are most certainly convinced that your journal meets a long felt want in our very existence as a community. We mean the better understanding that will be reached between us and the noble people among whom we are living. We are sure that if the Australians, with their exalted ideals of liberty, fraternity and equality are enabled to fully understand the qualities and aspirations of the Greeks , they will form a much better opinion of the sterling good qualities of the natives of Hellas. Socrates is credited saying that human error has its roots in not properly understanding what we desire to find out. We accept this dictum of the philosopher, and recommend the perusal of your paper to our Australian fellow citizens, who will thus be enabled to get a better grip of the mind and mentality of the Greek. We are confident that your paper will meet with the success it deserves, and you may rest assured of the sympathy and support of all right thinking members of our Mother community. Go on in the work you have undertaken to do, and do not hesitate to perform the duties incumbent on you without fear or favour, partiality or prejudice, remembering the motto that a nation’s greatness depends on the education of its people. By reading the columns of your excellent journal, we feel assured the young Australian born Greeks, who have never had the advantage of visiting the native land of their sires, will be reminded of the glory of their ancestors and imbibe something of the spirit of patriotism which has at all times been the leading and absorbing passion of the Children of Hellas.

We think it a fitting conclusion to our remarks to join in wishing you a New Year full of prosperity and satisfaction.

We are,
With the greatest respect,
The Committee of the Greek Community of N.S.W.

Mark Stamell.
Paul Calopedis.
Alex. Grivas.
Peter Sotiropulos.
Cosmas Cassimatis, Peter Aroney,
George Patterson, G.Comino, Peter Kazakas,
Theo Alifieris, B. Georgopoulos,
N. Bylos, G. Kalligeros.

Peter McCarthy
Roxy Museum
Bingara NSW

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