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George Poulos

License to archive kythera-family.net, from The National Film and Sound Archive, Canberra, Australia.

From: Rohan Lilley

Electronic & Digital Archivist, Moving Image Section

Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 2:06 PM

Subject: archiving of www.kythera-family.net/

Dear James, Angelo, & George,

Request for permission to archive


The National Film and Sound Archive, aims to build a comprehensive collection representing all aspects of Australia’s film, television, sound and related industries to ensure that Australians have access to this part of their cultural heritage now and in the future.

The Archive has traditionally collected items in physical formats, but it is also committed to preserving electronic publications of lasting cultural value.

PANDORA, Australia’s Web Archive, was set up by the National Library of Australia in 1996 to enable the archiving and provision of long-term access to online Australian publications (including those dealing with our audio-visual industries). The Archive is one of a number of partners associated with the National Library in this project.

Additional information about PANDORA can be found on the Library's server at:


We would like to include http://www.kythera-family.net/index.php in the PANDORA Archive and I would be grateful if you would let me know whether you are willing to permit us to do so, that is, grant us a licence under the Copyright Act 1968, to copy your web site into the Archive and to provide public online access to it via the Internet.

This means that you would grant the National Film and Sound Archive and National Library permission to retain your publication in the Archive and to provide public access to it in perpetuity. We assume that in granting permission all contributors to your publication are informed and in agreement that their work will be archived in PANDORA. If you are not the persons with authority to give permission, could you please advise us who is.

[For serials and integrating titles: We would like to re-archive your publication periodically to record significant additions and changes.]

If you are willing to grant us such a licence, I would be grateful if you could complete the short form at the end of this message and return it to me.

There are some benefits to you as a publisher in having your web site archived in this way. If you grant us a copyright licence, The Archive (through the National Library) will take the necessary preservation action to keep your publication accessible as hardware and software changes over time. The National Library will catalogue your publication onto the National Bibliographic Database (a database of catalogue records shared by over 1,100 Australian libraries). This will increase awareness of your site among researchers using either catalogue.

In the event that I cannot archive your online publication due to technical difficulties with emergent technologies, may I ask that you provide me with the publication on CDR so that it may be ingested.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact, Rohan Lilley, by telephone on +61 2 6248 209702, +61 2 6248 2167 or

Email Rohan Lilley, here

Yours sincerely

Rohan Lilley

Electronic & Digital Archivist
Moving Image Section,
National Film and Sound Archive



The National Film and Sound Archive collects, preserves and provides access to Australia's historical and contemporary moving image and recorded sound culture. We are a Division of the Australian Film Commission.


License to Archive

I/We grant The National Film and Sound Archive, a licence under the Copyright Act 1968 to copy the online publication


into the PANDORA Archive.

I/we understand that this licence permits The Archive and the National Library to retain and provide public online access to it in perpetuity and that The Archive or The Library may make reproductions or communications of my publication as are reasonably necessary to preserve it and make it available to the public. All contributors to this publication are informed and in agreement that their work will be archived by the National Film and Sound Archive using the National Library’s PANDORA system.

NAME: kythera-family.net

ORGANISATION: kythera-family.net





George Poulos comments

This request by The National Film and Sound Archive

=o= is an extraordinary honour,

=o= deflects great honour on the world-wide Kytherian community

=o= acknowledges that kythera-family.net has managed to collect, collate & preserve material that is available in no other major institution or library, or electronic format, anywhere in the world

=o= vindicates the vision and the "mission" of the founders and supporters of the concept of the website. In the Australian vernacular, it confirms that the founders and supportors of kythera-family.net are "on the right track".

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