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Peter Makarthis

New Publication for Australia

The Mercury (Hobart, Tasmania) Tuesday 30 November 1926.

We have received a copy of the first issue of the “Hellenic Herald,” a new Greek newspaper to be published weekly in Sydney, “primarily,” it is explained, “to enlighten our fellow-countrymen, the Greeks, in this noble country” (Australia). The letterpress, printed in Greek, covers a wide range of interests, and there is one page in the English language. The object of this latter feature is referred to thus in an editorial headed, “Our Aim”:- “Knowing however, as we do, that a great deal of misunderstanding exists among our Australian fellow-citizens regarding the ideals, aims and character of the Greeks today, we have thought good to publish a page each week in the English language regarding us and our aspirations.”

In the same article is the following reference to Anglo-Grecian relations :- “Greece is, has always been, and always will be the natural ally of England. Such we were in the last Great War, and such we will continue to be for all time. We have our faults, but ingratitude is not one of them. We recognize what England has been to us, and we will always do everything in our power to bring about a closer understanding between the Greek and British people.”

M. Panagiotis Tsitsilias, a member of the Greek House of Commons, contributes an article on "The State of Affairs in Greece."

Researched by Peter Makarthis(McCarthy)
Principal Researcher,
Roxy Museum
Bingara NSW
July 2012

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