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Victor Panaretos

Peter and Bill Cassimatis retire after running Parry’s Milk Bar and Candy Store, Caringbah, for 36 years.

Peter and Bill Cassimatis retire after running Parry’s Milk Bar and Candy Store, Caringbah, for 36 years. - Kyth Newletter  NOV Small

Article from:
St George & Sutherland Shire Leader
16 November 2004 pages 7 & 8
Author: John Mulcair
Photo: John Veage

Milkbar family sells, and leaves you in good hands


Farewell: Peter and Bill Cassimatis have retired after running the Caringbah landmark for 36 years. Peter is pictured front left with Bill and his wife Kathy next to him.
Picture: John Veage

One of Caringbah’s landmarks, Parry’s Milk Bar and Candy Store, changed hands yesterday for the first time in 36 years.
The Cassimatis family have sold what they have proudly claimed to be Sydney’s last, traditional Greek milk bar.....

The remainder of the article, with colour photograph, rather than black and white can be found at Photography Dispora, subsection, Cafes, Shops & Cinemas.

The entry by Ellena Galtos is entitled Caringbah milk bar, southern Sydney.

This article was also re-produced in The Kytherian, Newsletter of the Kytherian Association of Australia, December 2004, page 5.

Kytherian Association of Australia
P.O. Box A203,
Sydney South
NSW 1235

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1 Comment

Amy-Rose Bell
on 15.04.2020

Hello Victor, are you any relation to Zacharias Vretos Panaretos who owned Parry’s milk bar in Kogarah & was married to Theodora Field. I would love to contact you please. Amyrose.93@hotmail.com