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Matina Kasimatis

The Kasimatis Family-Casimaty Old Persons Home

Casimaty Old Persons Home (Kasimateion Gerokomeio)
The Old Persons Home on Kythera was conceptualised by the Casimaty family. Grandfather George left a will bequeathing a property on the island for this specific purpose. The will was unsigned, but after his death his sons, Gregory, Anthony and Basil and his daughter Elenie respected their fathers wishes and in 1962 donated the property plus basic funds for the construction of the home and a house in Athens.
The idea was initially alien to Greek tradition whereby old people had to be cared for by their offspring and it was a disgrace to put them in an institution, but its merits gradually came to be appreciated both locally and especially abroad and other Kytherians contributed further necessary funds.
The foundation stone was laid in 1967 by Gregory. Operation of the home was launched in 1975 and to date around three hundred aged have been cared for in what has become the pride of Kythera. Currently around fifty persons are in residence. In acknowledgement of the Casimaty concept and initiative, photographs of the Grandfather Casimaty and his four children are displayed in the home.

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